Unexpected Surprises - (OS)

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It was a moonlit night. The sky was wrapped with the twinkling stars. The cold breeze of the winter was passing adding a chilled atmosphere, the unusual silence of the night stretched all around.
But unaware to all those things happening around her, Bondita was sitting lost in some deep thoughts. She was supposed to be happy as she just turned 18 few moments back.

But as the clock in her room ticked 12 she looked at it blankly with some errant thoughts making their place in her mind. Sleep took a troll from her and not able to take in the silence of her room, she grabbing a shawl from the bedside headed upstairs. The darkness of the night has always given her a peace of mind and this time too she tried the same.

Birthdays were always a awaited day for her specially for the special treatments she got from the Roy Choudhury men. Be it her both sasurs, her devars or her patibabu. They have never failed to pamper her in their own ways. And being a kid she loved all those treatments, the gifts and the fun.

But this year things felt different for her. She was not brimming like a child as her birthday has arrived rather there was something else in her heart. This time she wanted more, she wanted something different.

This year she doesn't want her Patibabu to just bring her aath handi ek badam wale roshogolle and give her some books as present. She wanted some special attention too from him and these thoughts made her restless.

A sense of being grownup caged her thoughts and their relationship felt different for her now. The talks of her friends were affecting her and she couldn't tame those growing emotions within her and at the same time she was scared to confess it to the person with whom she shared everything. Rather for a peace of mind she came to the terrace.

But imagination didn't leave her, looking at the starry sky she wondered how it would have been if he was there sitting beside her gazing the stars with her. And she shivered unknown if it was for the cold or her crazy thoughts.

Here Anirudh was roaming here and there in the kitchen in hurry to gather few things. It was quite unexpected to find Anirudh Roy Choudhury in the kitchen other than study and that too in the late hours of night. But there was something cooking up in his mind. He had seen Bondita going upstairs at such late hours and some talks of her from the evening made there way in his mind.

She was talking about some friend of her and how her patibabu surprised her in her birthday though he was not much interested in the talk at the moment but seeing her awake in the late hours, this thing clicked and he understood Bondita's state of mind. And thus smiling headed to kitchen.
It is not that he didn't want to celebrate her birthday in special way but it was that, Bondita was always that little kid for him. And these thoughts of making her birthday special or giving her surprises never clouded his mind.

But seeing her weired behaviours from the evening this plan popped. And he blushed thinking his Bondita has grown and deep down in her heart she wants some special attention from him.

And with these thoughts smiling and holding a mattress and a handkerchief he headed upstairs. He smiled seeing her standing lost, gazing at the darkness that spread to infinity. Her face deprived of makeup glowing in the moonlight. And her body wrapped in the shawl but still she looked beautiful for him. And making her stunned he called her name slowly, "Bondita..."

 You Complete Me: Anidita (OS and TS Collections)Where stories live. Discover now