The Darkness

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And as the night fell around them they gathered around the hearth, the last sign of light in the ever growing darkness. For what felt like eternity they sat in silence, for fear of the things that hid in their shadows, stretching into the vast abyss of nothingness in which they rested. Then with no warning, a low voice can be heard over the ever increasing silence. While the words are not quite understood, the emotion in them was. It was a tune of joy and of hope. And as if a curtain had been drawn back, the light from all around had been let in. The dark all around seemed to brighten up, and what they had thought to have been silence was suddenly filled with noise. Noise of crickets, and birds, and of all the animals of the night. They seemed to join the voice with songs of their own, growing, and growing. And as the strange voice and the songs of nature grew another voice joined in on the tune, and then another, each adding their own feelings and experience to the song as it grew, casting out the shadows, and their fears from around them. Then as their joy came to an ever increasing peak, he understood. The words became ones he understood, and at once he was filled with the knowledge of what they were saying. The meaning of the words sung before flooded his mind and as they entered he began to cry. Cry like he had not done in many, many years.

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