Chapter 19

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After ousting Vansh and his sisters from her house, Riddhima came in and completely broke down.

Everyone consoled her.

R:- I am sorry. I didnt knew he will come back to my life. But I am tired of this. What sins have I committed?

Samar came and hugged her and consoled.

Sam:- shh. Riddhima, calm down. You have not done any mistake. You have  the most beautiful heart. You have all of us. You needn't worry. We are there with you.

He took her to the room and put her to sleep.

The next day

As soon as woke up, Riddhima had the sudden urge to puke. She ran to the washroom and threw up.
She thought to tell Samar but brushed it off as she thought it might be food poisoning.

That morning when she was she was serving breakfast she fainted.

Samar called a doctor. She examined Riddhima and said that.

Doctor:- Mrs.Shah you should take of yourself in this stage. You should not mentally stress your yourself.

R:- doctor what are you talking about?

Doc:- you are pregnant.

Everyone was shocked.

R(with tears):- doctor that's not possible. I cannot conceive.

Doc:- no no I am 100% sure. But still if you have doubt, you can come tomorrow to the hospital for some scans.

The doctor left. Everyone were confused.

Anu:- I think what the doctor said is true.

Sam:- but mom how is it possible?

The next day they went to the hospital and Riddima underwent the scans. Now they were sitting in the doctor's cabin.

Doc:- I have checked the reports. Riddhima there is nothing wrong with you. Idk who examined you before but there must be some mistake. Because you are perfectly fine for pregnancy and in fact you are pregnant now.

Riddhima had tears of happiness and anger in her eyes.
Happiness for her baby and anger for that doctor.

Samar thanked the doctor and took her out. He hugged her and consoled her.

R:- I'm pregnant Samar. Our baby is growing inside me. But why did that doctor say like that.

Sam:- yes Riddhu. We are becoming parents again. Dont worry I will talk to anger he will find out.

He took out his cellphone, called Angre and told him the matter. He told that he will put his best men on this matter

They went home and told this matter to their family. They were ecstatic. Everyone were very happy.

In the evening, Riddhima got Angre's call. She put the phone on speaker.

Ang:- Riddhima! My men have found out. You were perfectly fine. Someone had bribed the doctor to change your reports and made everyone believe that you were infertile.

R:- what? Who is that bhai?
She said with anger dripping in her voice.

Angre:- it is ..........


That's it guys. Pls vote and comment.

Also can you guys guess who could it be to do such a disgusting act. Comment your guesses.

See you soon
Stay safe❤😷

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