14:Draco meets Cody

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Y/N pov
Once we explained the whole situation to Daphne, Theo and Blaise they all became less confused which ruined my plan but oh well. "Well it getting late we should go to bed" Daphne said. Theo and Blaise agreed. Me and Draco stayed cuddling on the couch. We heard someone coming down the stairs from the girls dormitory. it was Pansy Parkinson. I always had a little bit of a thing for her she's really pretty. "Oh hey guys" she spoke. "Hey?" Draco replied in a questioning voice. I knew pansy liked Draco she always has. "So you two huh I never saw that one coming" she laughed nervously. "Is there something you need" Draco asked kinda annoyed. "Um I was actually looking for Y/N" she said. "What why" I asked confused."Um there's someone asking for you" she replied. "Okay where are they" I ask. "In your dorm" she says. "How do they know where it is" Draco asks. "They asked me" she replies. "Right okay thanks pansy" I say getting up. "Princess" Draco asks before I can walk away. "Yes love" I reply turning around. "Do you want me to come" He asks. "Sure". We then walk up to my dorm as soon as we get there. My face goes shocked. "C-cody" he turns around. I let go of Draco's hand and run into his arms" "Cody I can't believe you're here" he twirls me around. "I know it's been ages princess" he says. Draco coughs. "Sorry babe Cody this is my boyfriend Draco Malfoy" I introduce Cody to Draco. "And Draco this is my best friend since we were born Cody he got excepted to Ilvermorny and Hogwarts but he went Ilvermorny" I say. I gasp."Is Lyla here too" I ask hopefully. "Yea but she isn't coming till tomorrow" he says. "Anyway what are you doing here" I ask. "Oh I uh got expelled" he says. "Oh well sorry at least your here right" I say. "Hey princess I'm gonna go to bed you coming" Draco asks. "Sure love anyway it was awesome talking to you again I can't wait to see Lyla tomorrow bye Cody" I say walking out with Draco we go to his dorm I get comfy in his arms. "Goodnight darling" he whispers softly kissing my forehead."night love" I say. I soon fall asleep the happiest I've been in a long time my best friends are back in my life and I have a loving boyfriend.

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