Chapter 7 - Let's Bon Jovi this thing

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-"Jealous of you?" Bonnie asked shock to what her friend said

The girls were now taking a break from their practice and was now talking about what Ellie told her earlier

-"Yeah can you believe that.....I mean why would she be jealous of me.....I'm just Ellie's friend" Dina answered
-"I think she has a reason" Sam said as he takes a sip of his coffee
-"And what is that?" Sofia asked
-"I mean Ellie and Dina has a lot of chemistry we can't deny that......when Ellie left their tandem still ruled over Jackson and no one not even a single person here wasn't able to change it" Sam answered
-"Sam's right.....I mean you and Ellie like talk almost everyday when she was far I think that's the reason why her girlfriend got jealous" Astrid added
-"Ok.....we are friends and yeah we talk but not everyday we talk three times a week to be exact" Dina defended and her friends nods in unison
-"But I got to ask you something Dee" Sam said and Dina turned her attention to her friend
-"Do you have any specific feelings for your friend?" Sam asked and all four of the other girls turned to Dina waiting for her answer

Should she tell them? Dina asked herself as she shakes her head no not yet

-"I don't have one ok.....Ellie she's my closest friend no offense" Dina said as her friends nod along understandingly
-"And the friendship we have is special for me I treasure it" Dina added
-"So it's a no?" Astrid asked while Dina shakes her head amusingly
-"It's a no" Dina said
-"Alright everyone the break is over" the director of the play said
-"let's get this over with and we can talk more about this later" Mikaela said and they turned to go back to their places


Sunday went by so fast and Ellie was now in the front of her house waiting for Owen's car. A few more minutes later they arrived

-"Elliiieee" Nick said rushing towards the redhead and giving her a tight hug
-"Ok okkk dude personal space" Ellie said as she struggled to get off of Nick's embrace
-"Now now amigo let us not be too touchy today" Manny said and Nick let's go of Ellie
-"Thanks Manny" Ellie said before Manny pulled her in for another tight embrace making them all laugh
-"But I do miss you" Manny said as she lets Ellie go
-"Owen, Mel" Ellie said as the two hugged her
-"How're you Ellie?" Mel asked as they walked inside Ellie's house
-"All is good....I was excited for this day to come" Ellie answered
-"Now enough with this I know what we guys need" Owen said bringing out his electric guitar out of it's case while everybody nods in agreement


-"hit it" Owen said as Manny started to play his drums

Nick was starting to play his talkbox and piano before Mel and Ellie could start playing their guitars. Everyone inside the bar was jamming along to the beat as Owen started to held the mic stand ready to sing

Once upon a time not so long ago

Owen said in one of his so called rockstar voice

Tommy used to work on the docks, union's been on strike
He's down on his luck, it's tough, so tough


hey watch as the crowd swayed along

Gina works the diner all day working for her man
She brings home her pay, for love, for love

Owen said rocking the bar's mini stage while the others jump along as they vibe

She says, we've got to hold on to what we've got
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot for love
We'll give it a shot

Music for your thoughtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ