The Rain Of Blessings

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Dear lost soul, I know you're not a pessimist always but sometimes these waves drown you and you succumb to them wishing to get lost in a whirl and not return

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Dear lost soul, I know you're not a pessimist always but sometimes these waves drown you and you succumb to them wishing to get lost in a whirl and not return. I know it feels like you're stranded alone on the shore with no being around, but don't lose hope. You're tired to look for the ray of light every morning cause something about this storm feels like there's no refuge.

Your lips quiver as you utter a few broken words of prayer, while these fierce winds leave your hands shaking violently. Your chest feels constricted and your heart too frozen. You lay there dozing off between consciousness and none. Scooping in some water in your palm, as cold as the ice, you strain your eyes to recognise the face in reflection.

You feel like giving up, too tired to open your eyes and look for the light which you know isn't here. Closing your eyes, you lay still, not wanting to breathe, a minute passed by and two and three and you give up and inhale the cold air by the shore. There begins your journey, to revive your soul.

You thank for the first opportunity at life, a breath of air which indicates you're alive. You go further thanking for the nose, mouth and lungs so whole. You thank for the eyes that can still see the world, although shaken up and broken but the vision still stands. You thank for tongue which had savoured the tastes of food you'd taken for granted. 

You thank for the mind which kept functioning amidst all the trauma life and you put it through. 

You place your hand on the chest to feel the organ beating and a smile breaks across your face effortlessly, but your eyes hold a faraway look regretting about not looking into these small little things' life was made up of. 

You gaze at your hands for what feels like eternity because even eons might pass and you'd not be able to count the work they did for you. 

You look down at your feet wondering from where you'd started to where you ended up, for the journey was so precious that it could neither be counted in miles nor put together as years.

You reminisce back to all the times you'd jumped and hopped and fell and rose. You remember the wounds and stories of strength.

You look ahead with arms wide open in air, embracing the raging winds which you thought had defeated you. The receptors in your body do their function and let the brain know about the dangers of the external environment. The system works in a flawless loop never showing a message saying 'look into the error'. 

The gut with all its various parts and their functions that you'd cry to grasp and remember, oh and the absolute horror was to illustrate the diagram.

How perfect is The Creator who made you from a liquid disdained?

He proportioned you and breathed into you a soul.

He made for you vision and hearing and heart. *

Have you ever thanked Him for everything that He has blessed you with?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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