my teacher is a hot vampire/

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sorry i havent uploaded, been busy. happy reading

Chapter 22

Katie's POV

Afterr the incident at the mall I've tried to call Kasper multipile times. He never answered once. I knew he was mad at me. I could feel it. Right now I think he hated me and I felt awful. I tried to call him again.

On the third ring he picked up the phone. Well I'm not sure it was Kasper. The voice was deeper and the breathing was heavier.

"Who~who is this?" I ask shakily.

I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something wasn't right.

The breathing calms down and a gruff voice speaks over the phone. It would be the voice I would never forget.

"We have your precious little prince. Come get him deary. Oh if you fail to come he'll be dead within an hour," the voice said again. Then the line went dead. I stood there frozen unsure of what to do.

Who took him? Why? These are the questions running through my mind as I stood there. Then I finally decided. I was going to save him. Even if he hated me I would'nt be able to live with myself if he died. Not at all. I took the phone off my ear and dialed the number.

Slowly raising it back up I wait for him to pick up. Then after a few rings a voice comes out,"Hello?"

I start to cry uncontrollably and Julian asks,"What's wrong Katie?"

After a few minutes I answer. " Julian I need you. I think the oracle kidnapped Kasper."

There was silence and then he said,"I'll be there in five." I nodded and put the phone down. The love of my life was in troube and would be dead in an hour. I was going to save him no matter how hard it would take me. I would not lose him. Not now. Not ever.

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