Everything Changes - Part One

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The day had gone considerably better than I thought it would. For most of the day, I put out of my mind the dream about Dask. He acted like nothing had happened and Derek laid off commenting about my and Dask's friendship. Everything was going great.

We and our families had spent all day together, exploring the island. We took in a large cliff face surrounded by large boulder rocks, full of crevices and hiding places, which included some larger cave like areas. It was awesome. There were nooks and crannies all over the place. We had to be careful we didn't get lost. My mom had a makeshift map that the owner of the manor had provided.

We eventually followed a trail that veered around the perimeter of nearly the whole entire island. The trail led us to a quiet beach inlet, where the water was calm. Soft white sand interspersed with small smooth pebbles lay under our feet. It had taken us about two hours to walk the trail.

We ate a picnic lunch, which had been carried there by Derek, Dask and I. It hadn't been much of a chore, considering the picnic had been loaded into a special backpack carry case and the load was shared between the three of us along the way.

Sitting, eating our lunch, my mom commented, "This is a nice spot."

"Yes, it's lovely," Dask's mom agreed.

"I'm surprised," my dad said and Dask's dad nodded.

Dask and I turned to look at eachother. He smiled at me and there was a twinkle in his eye.

"What do you boys think?" asked my mom.

"It's nice," replied Dask.

I nudged his shoulder. He grinned at me.

"Derek?" my mom asked him.

"Huh? Oh, it's...different," Derek replied.

"Joseph?" my mom prompted me.

I know I probably should have had my answer ready, but I didn't and so the words just fell out of my mouth.

"It's weird. I keep thinking we're going to come across the angry ghosts of those people that were murdered by the crazy rich family who owned the manor."

Everybody stopped eating and was looking at me.

"They wouldn't come out during the day, doofus," said Derek.

Dask laughed.

"Out of all the places we could have gone, why did we come here?" I asked. "We could have gone to one of those tropical islands with heaps of hot girls for me and Dask to look at."

"For me to look at too!" chimed in Derek.

"You have a girlfriend," I said to Derek.

My dad slapped us both on the back of our heads. "Enough of that talk."

Mine and Dask's moms shook their heads. Dask laughed and his dad looked on in amusement.

Eventually my mom answered. "It's something different, Joseph."

"Yes, and we get the whole island to ourselves," Dask's mom added.

"It was cheaper," my dad deadpanned.

Dasks dad laughed, then said, "Not many people want to go to a supposed haunted island for their summer vacation. It brought the price down a bit."

"That means we get to stay here twice as long," my mom said.

"Did I mention that we get the whole island to ourselves?" Dask's mom chimed in.

Dask smiled at his mother. "Yes mom."

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