Call from the Dead

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Chrome was the last to step out of the dark pathway. "Is this..." he trailed off while observing the surroundings.

"A cemetery." was Gen's reply, with the group now standing in front of the large wooden cross wedged into the ground.

"Cemetery of Tsukasa Empire?" guessed Magma.

"Not at all." answered the mentalist.

"Whose then?" asked the blond man.

He turned to look at him with a dark expression and eerily said, "It's Senku-chan's grave."

"Is he dead?!" shouted Magma who had beads of cold sweat on his face.

"It's quite obvious that he's still alive." deadpanned Chrome. "It's to trick Tsukasa into thinking that he's dead."

Rikona watched the two interacted while completely oblivious to Gen shushing them trying to keep their voices down. 'Why do I have a hunch things are about to get more complicated than they should?' she wondered. Heaving a mushroom sigh, she stepped forward and said, "Let's get to work before anyone catches us."

From dusk till nightfall, the execution team began to set up the mobile phone. While Chrome climbed up the nearest tree to place the satellite and the coil of wire, Gen and Rikona were busy burying the wires into the ground

"This is a brilliant idea." commented the mentalist. "It's also normal to commiserate in front of a tombstone."

"But then..." The young doctor looked at the tombstone with a deadpanned expression and continued, "Why are we making it look like we're preparing for the Salem witch trial?"

Gen followed her gaze and was stunned at the tree branches decorating the wooden cross. "This is not normal at all!" he commented.

"It's too obvious we're trying to hide something!" pointed out Chrome.

After removing and disposing of the tree branches, the group focused on burying the microphone and speaker into the ground. "Try burying about 80 percent of the receiver." suggested Rikona. "So that only a visitor that crouches would notice a reflection in the sunlight."

Chrome dug the ground until his shovel contacted something hard. "Damn, another annoying stone." he grumbled.

Much to the other three's dismay, Magma raised his axe up high and smashed the rock into bits. Unbeknownst to them, the sound alarmed someone who'd been standing outside the empire's headquarter far away from where they were. Though it seemed Rikona's gut was warning her, for she snapped her head in the direction where the three men were, and urgently said, "We need to hurry."

That was all it took for them to frantically - and quite comically, if one might add - dig the ground.

"You're too much, Magma!" scolded Chrome. "That was so loud!"

"Anway, we've gotta hide it!" said Gen who was also digging as fast as he could. "Just bury the whole thing!"

Once the hole was deep enough, Magma chucked the mobile phone inside before they covered it up as much as possible. After rapidly patting the dirt out, the group rushed to the nearest rock and jumped behind, peering over it to see if anyone was approaching them. Seconds had passed, and it was still silent; which could mean that they hadn't been found.

"Seems like no one noticed." said Chrome with relief.

"You three are just too sensitive." jeered Magma.

"No, we don't know yet." corrected Gen nervously. "I told you that there's someone with a good hearing in the Tsukasa Empire."

Rikona felt her stomach churned, and that was certainly not a good sign. There were many times when she was grateful for having such a sharp instinct that stemmed from her albeit short years of working as a surgeon. As much as she wanted to think the same in their current situation, she dared not know what was going to happen next; and she didn't like how that wretched feeling worsened whenever she looked at Gen.

Doctor In The House (Dr. STONE Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz