That would be me...

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Double update,yay!!!

Kim's POV..
"I'll have a tequila shot,please!" I say to the barman..

"That's your second shot,Kim" Esther says in a motherly tone

"I know mom" I reply rolling my eyes

We decided to go to a bar,one of Daniel's friends bars.. It's awesome..
I,Esther,Daniel,Stephanie and Jake are here.. We've decided to spend some time with each other these few days,but our other friends are occupied,so... We decided to come without them..

"Two shots shouldn't do any harm" Stephanie shrugs

"Yah right" Esther replies sarcastically

"Is Alex coming?" Stephanie asks Esther

"Nope,he can't make it!" She replies

The barman hands me my glass and we walk back to our table where Jake and Daniel are seated..

"We're back!" Stephanie says

"We can see" Jay replies stating the obvious

"Fun sponge"

I take the bottle of Vodka from the table and I drink a lot,it burns my throat but I ignore.. I just want a free Ivy,no Sonya,no PTSD remembrance.... And,no memories of me being abused..I know my past is rough,but I'm better than I was.. At least,I'm grateful for my friends,they've really helped me..
Without thinking,I take another gulp of Vodka and I cringe at the burn in my throat..

"Kim!" Jake says seriously,grabbing the bottle from my hand

"What?" I ask irritated

"You haven't touched your tequila,and here you are,devouring a bottle of vodka,are you okay?" He asks

"Yes I am,now give it back" I whine

"You can always talk to me" he says seriously

"I know"

"did I do something?" He asks in a guilty tone

"No,you didn't" I reply..

"I think you should drink water" he says opening a bottle

"Why?" I ask

"So you won't get drunk,Kim.. You only over drink when you're depressed" he says..

"How are you able to love a girl with a broken,shattered and blurred past?" I ask.. The words slipping from my mouth before I could stop..

I'm glad the others didn't hear,Daniel is telling them the history of his football career,which we've heard for the millionth time..

Jay looks surprised at my question..
He clears his throat..

"That's because when you love someone,you're able to overlook their bad habits,flaws and even dark pasts," he takes my hand in his  "you're not broken,Kim.. You just need a little more encouragement,you're frightened because you remember stuff that have happened to you,but you're getting better...when I knew you years back.. You had anger and trust issues,you were frightened by every little thing,but I must say that you have improved,and I'm so proud of who you were,who you are,and who you're growing into"

Jay's words sink into my head,and I must say I am shocked,I know he deserves better,he probably deserves to be with some rich brat with a British accent and who's heels make click noises from a distance,but I know I'm with him for a reason,and I'm happy about that...

"Thank you" I manage to say
He leans in to kiss my forehead,and pulls away..

"But seriously,Kim... You don't need this much alcohol in your system" he says seriously

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