The Best, yet worst, day of my life.

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Piper came over later that week, the day of the dance.

"You know i really wouldn't have cared if you would have gone to the dance with Jason" i said when she walked in.

"Whatever" she replied. "I really want to know who A is so can we start our marathon? i brought popcorn"

We sat down in the couch and Piper randomly spoke up. "Hey do you know what we should do? Go to the Empire State building. You only live a few miles away from the city, and girl you seriously need to get out more!"

"Its too late" i reply while stuffing food in my mouth. "Besides Helen  is going to be back around midnight from the airport. Bob and Matt went to see thier grandmother."

She pulled me off the couch. "Come on you gotta live a little Annie"

I hated it when she called me Annie. My name was Annabeth for a reason, and i personally dont belive in nick names. But i found myself being dragged by Piper all the way to her car.

"You're crazy" i say as i get in. "I'm not going to get away with this."

but she just ignored me and continuted driving toward the city.


We arrive in the city about 15 minutes later. The Empire State building looks so pretty at night. Oddly enough, its still open. Piper pushes to button for the elevator, and it finally arrives.

On the ride up, Piper turns to me.

"Okay so you know all those greek stories with all the gods on mount olympus and all?"


"Cool, so um, all those stories are real and so are the gods, and as we speak we are going to Mt Olympus  to mom."

"You're mom is a GODDESS?!?" i exclaim

"Yea, Aphrodite, goddess of love."

Just as she stops, i hear a ding, and we are at mount olympus. i stop a minute and take a moment to observe how beautiful it is, then a lady walks up to us.and she is really pretty, perhaps pretty is an understatement.

"Piper!" im so glad you came!" she said to Piper as she hugged her.

Piper was trying to break free of her grasp. when she finallly does, shes says "Mom, meet Annabeth."

i give a shy wave.

"Oh my goodness! you must be Athena's daughter!" she then hugged me. "Piper had told me all about you!" she looked at me like she was looking for flaws.

"You need a makeover" she finally said. "And we'll start with getting rid of that ponytail" she said as she grabbed my hair.

"Hey!" i said. "Look, i'm flattered and all, but i really don't want a makeover!"

"Nonsense!" she replies. "You need to get ready for the dance."

i glare at Piper, and all she does is give me a wave.

Before i know it, I'm in a white dress that is long and touches the floor, is strapless, and my hair is no longer a curly mess.

"Wow" i say as i look in the mirror.

"Athena!" Aphrodite calls "Come see your daughter!"

Then i see her. its my mom "Mom?" i say when i finally see her. "I thought you left years ago"

"It was for the best" she replied. "Oh look how you've grown. Your'e smart, beautiful, and much more than you can imagine." She pulls out a box,and inside are a pair of beautiful owl earrings. "Consider them a gift." she says as she puts them on me. "Now off you go to the dance"

A Percabeth Cinderella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now