chapter 9 escaping (half confusing)

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after the weird loud noise they hear 

they are hiding at the rocks

kreekcraft is checking whats behind them

while tanqr is sitting trying to forget the voice of his childhood(my au)

kreek: "okay! chill. everything is gonna be fine, and will escape here. alright?"

tanqr: "idk craft we don't even know where t-"

the noise became louder and falling  tiny pieces of rocks

kreekcraft check behind again there was a shadow at the wall

kreek: "*whispered* come on we can't stay here any longer"

tanqr nodded. and put on his mask. they both crouch as the noise became louder

tanqr grab kreeks arm when they continue running

tanqr: "wait! i got a plan"

(the next one is confusing)

 meanwhile the maze is about to collapse any minute (wow its like one of those roblox story games that how you escape a cave lol)

kreek continues running until he find the noises

but suddenly as he get pass a path. he backward a bit because he sees a glowing crystal but this time. it floats (like those in metaverse)

kreek follows the glowing crystal and slowly faded off (yep like metaveres)  

kreek found where the noise came from. its a black "drake" dragon

(this is actually my au rb battles live in a fantasy world)

kreek: "*whispered* how the heck is a dragon fit in this cave?!"

the dragon left the place to the other side of the cave

kreek: "*looked at us* welp i guess life logic,"  

kreek continues crouching and following the dragon

tanqr flow below the rocks and watching kreek

 (so the plan is to stop where the noise came from. because of that if they are trying to escape without stopping the noise they might be too late or the whole place will collapse, so tanqr thought he has to kill the dragon first, so kreek needed to get the the dragon's attention first so tanqr can assassinate) yea ik confusing right? :,)

RBBATTLES BOOK 1: S̷̯̙͇̪̯ͨ̋ͅH́҉͍̯̫A̸̗̭̖͈̜̙̺̎̾̾̃D͖͙͎̞̦̝̘͕́̚O̱̖̱ͨ̉̎̀Wͯ͆҉͉͙̤͚͍̣Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum