Chapter 6

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I don't own twilight Stephanie Meyer does.

Edward pov

Bella, that's who were all thinking about. She's been asleep for about an hour, her hand is still in my hair as she sleeps on my lap. I don't really mind she's sweet and warm, and very breakable. A moan came from her mouth as her eyes fluttered open; she looked in my eyes and blushed.

                "Why do I always end up asleep on you?" I chuckled and positioned her so she was sitting in my lap instead of lying. The rest of the family was sitting around us ready to attack her with questions. Carlisle glanced at me and I nodded, telling him to start.

                "Bella, are you alright?" her blush got redder and she nodded.

                "Sorry, it's just my parents left me at the Voultri castle and now my Dad and the rest of my family are back in Italy. I just have.......I don't know abandonment issues" he nodded and walked over to sit next to her.

                "Bella, we are not going to leave you" she bit her lip and pulled him into a hug, tears brushing down her face from happiness. She they pulled back Emmett came behind and pulled her into a crushing hug.

                "Can't breathe!" she said, Emmett laughed and set her down.

                "So belly bean, let's watch some T.V" she giggled at the nickname and came over to sit on my lap again. I sighed and rubbed calming circles on her arm.

                "What's T.V?" Emmett's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. That only made her laugh louder, a snorting noise came from her and she covered her mouth in embarrassment. I pressed my lips to her hair trying not to smile like the others, her snuggled in closer to me. Emmett just stood there in shock I didn't know whether it was because of what she said or how were sitting.

                "T.V you know television" he said, Bella shrugged her shoulders.

                "Never heard of it" he smacked himself in the forehead and turned it on, as the minutes when by Bella turned to me.  "Is this supposed to be entertaining?" I laughed at this.

                "Yes it is" she nodded and glanced back at the T.V, Emmett turned it to a show where they talked in a different language and you had to read what they say. (Show of hands, who hates those movies as much as I do? Alright back to the story)

Bella sighed and leaned back into me, I rested my head against her as we watched the movie.

                "Edward" Bella whispered, even though she knew the others could hear.

                "What?" I whispered back playing along.

                "What does that word say?" she asked and pointed to the T.V

                "It says hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliphobia it's fear of big words." (And yes this really is a phobia, and it's my sister's favorite word. Back to the story)

     "No not that one that one" she said and pointed at the beginning of the sentence.

     "Bella stop playing around." She looked at me with confusion. "That word Bella his He" she nodded. "Bella.......did you not know that?" she bit her lip when she realized the rest of the family was staring at her.

     "No I didn't know that......I.........I don't know who to read, they never taught me" my eyes widened at this.

     "But you had a book when we met you" Carlisle said.

     "I was looking at the pictures" this clicked in my brain as anger flashed behind it. They never taught her how to read.

     "Bella, can you spell you name?" she looked down and bit her lip, her cheeks flushing red as she looked back up.

     "No, I can't"

I hope you guys like that chapter, I feel sorry for Bella tho :( anyway vote, add to library and anything else you can do on here. COMMENT I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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