"It's cool."

He set down on the bed, and I just laid on his lap.

"Well, guys we should get going." Shawn spoke up.

"Yeah. I'm ready to perform the song. Let's go!"

I got my phone back from Cam. I walked out after Nash and Cam. Nash's girlfriend was doing something because she wasn't here. When we were walking, I heard Nash and Cam's conversation.

"Don't be making moves on Bri."

"Bro, you guys aren't even together anymore. Not my fault you left someone like her for Sophie. Plus I'm sorry being good friends with a girl is a bad thing." That name sounded familiar.

"Well, what if I want her back?"

"You'd just end up hurting her again."

I zoned out after that. Cameron was right. Nash would end up hurting me again. Then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked and saw Colby. I wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned into him. Nash and Cam slowed down and we passed them.

"I want to thank you for being here for me on this tour. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime for special friend like you."

We got to the lobby after the elevator ride. I got in the limo first, with Taylor getting in behind me. He sat really close to me.

"Hey there sexy lady!" He chuckled.

"What's up?" I said patting his leg.

"Just chilling like a villain with the home girl and the hamies."

"Ah, nice." I smiled.

We sat in pretty much silence except for small conversations from Nash and Cam. We finally got there and got back stage. There stood Sophie, waiting for Nash. She looked familiar when I really got a chance to look at her. She had looked at me like she knew me. Then it hit me like a brick wall. She was our biggest slut girl sophomore and junior year in highschool. She would do anything to make a certain guy attracted to her.

"Hey babe!!" She yelled as she basically jumped on Nash.

Shawn grabbed my shoulder and squeezed, signalling for me to just breathe. I did that and walked to a different area, by myself. I am so mad, sad, and everything is just jumbled.

"Hey, it's time to go on." Shawn said as he busted me out of my thought process.

Two guys came and gave us ear pieces and mics. We headed out on stage and started. Shawn walked off after our three songs, but to come back and sit at the piano. We started the song and I sang. During the song, I sat by Shawn on the piano bench. We finished and the crowd cheered louder than I've ever heard them. Shawn looked at me and reached his hand up, wiping a tear off of my face. I didn't even realize I was crying. I got up, waved, then walked off of the stage. I saw the guys looking at me. I started breathing heavy when I saw Nash, looking happily at Sophie. Then he looked at me, then I handed the mic to Taylor, and started to walk off. I handed the ear piece back, and headed for the door. I stood right outside the door, that's when I lost it. I took my beanie off and held it in my left hand. I ran my other hand through my hair. Then someone came out of the door.

"Please, just leave me alone."

"It's okay." Cam said as he pulled me into a hug.

I pushed him off and back away.

"Don't you realize that none of this is okay?! Nash told me he would never do this to me again. I just can't even look at any of you guys without thinking about that bastard." I said pointing to the building.


"No Cam! I can't do this. He is the only person that can make my life go to hell and crumble into pieces in less than an hour."

He walked towards me.

"Don't. Just don't touch me. Don't even come near me." I said crying.

He still walked towards me. He finally reached me and I ducked when he tried to hug me. I turned and ran. I didn't know where, but I just didn't want to be there. I reached Central Park and just walked. I got to the fountain and sat on the edge. I heard several footsteps. I looked up and saw the guys. I instantly got up and started running again. Someone was faster than them. They grabbed me from behind. I started kicking.

"Just leave me alone! Don't you see that's what I want?!"

"Bri calm down." It was Colby.

He set me down and let go of me. The rest of the guys caught up. I started having short breathing and felt dizzy.

"Shawn, I need my bag." I breathed out.

He looked at me worried. He grabbed my hand and started to run again.

"Shawn... I can't."

He picked me up and ran back for the building. The world was spinning around me. I heard a door open and I was set down. I saw my bag in front of me. I found my anxiety pills and took them.

"Shawn I haven't had to use these in 8 years."

He knew that I had anxiety, just in case something would've happened on the tour. My breathing calmed down. I looked around and saw Nash and Cam sitting in front of me.

"What the hell was that about?!" Cam yelled.

"I don't want to talk about it. It's my problem. It doesn't concern any of you."

"It does concern us." Nash said rubbing his hand on my knee.

I just groaned and leaned back, closing my eyes. I felt their eyes staring into my soul. I then heard people leave, and I looked to see just Nash.

"Please tell me."

I just ignored him while looking straight into his eyes. Then he tilted his head in annoyance.

"It's just anxiety. I'm fine." I said trying not cry.

"Not that."

"Then what?"

"Why you don't want to look at me. Or even acknowledge that I'm here."

"Because I can't face the fact of what you did to me..."

"It was stupid. I'm sorry."

"You've said that before...." I mumbled.

Then he grabbed my hand, the look on his face tells me he must've heard me. Shit.

"Look, I really am. It's just when I see you with another guy, something just comes over me."

"You never act that way when I mess around with Cam or Hayes. What is it about Colby that makes you jealous?"

"He obviously makes you happier than I do, so I felt like a fucked up person."

"He has never made me feel anyway you ever did. We're friends. That's it. Everything about you makes me just want to take you for myself. You drive me crazy."

"You honestly want the truth?" He asked then chuckled.


"When we were together, it was hard for me to not just rip your clothes off of you and take you to bed."

I laughed. I smiled and looked at him.

"Wow." I giggled.

"Hey, it's the truth!" He smiled and squeezed my hand.

He let go of my hand and pulled me into a hug. He pulled his head back as did I. He looked at me and leaned in. I just didn't move. He planted his lips on mine, and I kissed back. Then I heard a gasp.

-Gahhh #Nashanna shipper I am.

Forever? (Nash Grier)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang