Blessed week, Day 1(Complete)

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Part 2,

After that, Solomon made the announcement.

As planned, every race started preparing their armies. Billions of billions of armies from every race gathered together in collaboration. Since this was a universal order by lord Judas himself, the whole of creation had to obey! If not, they will be executed on the spot when found.

All of the 50 planets across the universe, every faction and family had to provide at least one member to serve the will of lord Judas. If not, the individual's entire sect and family will be executed publicly! In the face of the universal mandate, there was no room for failure at all. It was either you cooperate, or you die.


A few minutes later, word of the blessed week got to Omnilock! Kuld, Púrpura, Zöld, and Kuninkaan were all shocked by this news. In urgency, they immediately commanded every envoy, elder and guard to stop whatever they were doing.

"Everyone, get ready. We leave immediately, we are going to search every planet for each heir! You will spare no effort to search for these children. Save as many as you can. Remember, avoid any unnecessary risks. The most important thing is that these heirs must be saved! You may ask why, and I will tell you. Currently, everyone in the universe was ordered by lord Judas to find and kill these children called heirs. They are children of the Creator Himself. As Omnilock, we are sworn to protect them with our sweat and blood! You are all dispatched. NOW GO! GO! GO!" Kuld commanded.

Upon hearing Kuld's command, they all left to their own respective planets.


All over Theia, havoc and mayhem became the main order of the day. Dynasties were literally destroyed. Sects, and clans were mercilessly wiped out. That day, almost more than a third of the planet's population was wiped out! All is this, due to the search of one person, Gabriel.

In fear, Judas and Natalie quickly had a maiden wrap Gabriel in clothes to cover him and hide him in a closet. After that, Job got his sword from his armory and transformed into his angelic form. In his armory, he had a ring in which he used to communicate directly with his father in times of trouble.

Debating whether to use it, Job decided to contact his father, Micheal asking for backup urgently!

30 minutes later, a legion of warrior angels surrounded Job's house. As a father, he knew very well that his son might have caused the blessed week and maybe one of the heirs of the Creator!

Not long after, neighboring houses were destroyed by all sorts of armies from across the universe. The most tragic thing was that Job's house was next on the list! Armies from every corner were approaching his properties. In the midst, there were Beastmen, Werewolves, Vampires, Ghouls, Rocks, and more.

Entrained by command, the warrior angels had no choice but to protect their prince! Obviously, as one of the most prominent races in the Universe, the angel race never lacked face or arms. However, how would they look if they can't protect their own prince? Wouldn't they be laughed at and scorned?

"Protect the prince!" A champion angel commanded as he led his legion to war. At first, they were very energized to fight. However, they were quickly drained of their courage as they were greatly out-numbered.

Inside, Job called a female angel, Ardonis. He explained to Ardonis the situation that was going on and made her promise to safely guide Gabriel and Natalie away. Obviously, Ardonis refused as she knew very well that the news of this information would be too dreadful to behold. However, she had no other choice because this was the command of her prince, Job.

After that, Job took off his ring and plucked 3 of his feathers off his wings, and kept it in a Jasper treasure box for Gabriel. He then turned and gave the box to Natalie to keep in her storage ring. Seeing that the box was now secure, he kissed Natalie on the head and signaled Ardonis to leave with them immediately.

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