Chapter 5

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Y/n Pov

Jaden- im so sorry Y/n But i cant do this.

He said as he hung up. THSI BITCH DID NOT JUST HANGUP ON ME.

I flipped off the teacher as I got in my jeep. and I made my way to the jail.


Fd- Hey how can i help you?

Y/n- Im here to bail out Jaden Hossler?

Fd- Are you sure, maybe if he stayed it willl knock some fucking sence into him.

Y/n- Exuse me?

Fd- THis wouldnt be his first time.


Y/n- Ok how much is his bail?


Y/n- ok here. 

I payed his bail and waited.

Jaden pov

The police officer came in and said somone bailed me out I knew exaxtly who .Y/n.   As I walked out I saw her she looked like she had been crying I went and hugged her she just stayed there crying. what have I done. I love this girl but I just broke her heart into a million peaces.

🥨 Authors Note🥨

Sorry for the short chaper... But I will update again soon im working on another book!:)

PLease go read it!!! The book is called Intoxicated ~Jaden Hossler~ 

Updating this book tmrw! Love yall:)<3

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