Chapter 1

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A young girl is sitting in her apartment listening to the news on a warm Tokyo afternoon, she was trying her best to make ends meet up nothing seemed to be working for her but she didn't want to give up easily. While flipping threw chancels she soon came across the news and stoped once again it was another report of the gang violence of Tokyo maniji gang.

New reporter " for our story today the escalating dispute between the Tokyo maniji gang has now claimed innocent victims.... Six were injured in this incident one was sent to the hospital"

Takemichci " wow it sound serious"

News reporter " the ones who had dead at the scene have been identified as Tachibana Naoto-San 25, from shibuya Tokyo"

Takemichci " tachibana naoto" Takemichci was trying to remember where she has heard the last name tachibana but she will hear some news at will shock her.

News reporter " his older brother tachibana hinato 26 ..." Takemichci couldn't hear what else the news was saying because she was trying to understand if she heard the right name. Hinato was her old crush and boyfriend for while middle school but they broke up after graduation.

Later at day

Takemichci " the day has been to long" Takemichci had gotten done at work at a rental place and she was ready for the day to be over, she started to rethink of her life choices at lead to here and all the one she lost who were close to her. She hadn't spoken to her ex boyfriend or old friends since they all graduated from middle school, and she was thinking if she had done something wrong to make this big gap between them

Takemichci " if I had the chance it redo my life I would but hey I can't happen right" she was waiting for the train to arrive and thinking over and over to herself wishing to redo her life and keep the ones she loves, but out of no where someone or something pushed send her onto the train tracks and she thought she was done for when the light of the train hit here.

Takemichci " no please no"

Seconds later

Train operator " shibuya we have arrived in shibyua" soon Takemichci opened her eyes to see she was on a train and some people were getting off or staying on, she was trying to understand what was going on when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her off the train.

??? " take-San" she soon looked and saw her old friends from middle shook all four boys looking at her, with a worried and disappointed look.

Akkun " hurry up" she was still trying to understand what was happening but before she could do anything they were all walking and getting into the escalator.

Makoto " hey yamagishi did you see this week's issue"

Yamagishi " hell yeah I saw that pinup it was insane"

Akkun " yo guy we're in public now" when they go to top of the escalator Takemichci was not paying attention she was trying to find out what happened at she nearly tripped but she was soon saved by akkun and takuya who caught her and brought her over to the side lines.

Takuya " hey are you okay take-San"

Takemichci " oh yes I'm good"

Akkun " are you sure you seem to be spacing out you are not worried are you"

Takemichci " oh no I'm fine" Soon the group started moving again but Takemichci was looking for something in her bag and she soon found it her old flip phone, she was soon getting old memories and then she opened it to see the date as July 4 2005.

Takemichci " oh no wait this not get right time ... I have gone back in time" she soon looked at mirror helping to will prove her question and that when she saw her old middle school look. Dyed blondes hair and her middle school girl uniform with some long sock at were kind of lose.

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