Part 1

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All he could remember was water. He felt like he was drowning until he woke up and realized what had happened.

"Hey Snape finally woke up, did you have a good sleep?"  Avery teased, looking over Severus' bed menacingly.

He looked like something out of a nightmare with that garish smile.

"What the hell?" Severus yelled, absolutely drenched in water.

His clothes stuck to his skin and everything was soaked.

"Well you were sleeping so soundly, thought we ought to wake ya up!"

Severus looked around, seeing a smirking Mulciber and his other roommates chuckling behind their hands.

With a groan, Severus stood up, grabbing his wand and storming out of the room.

"Come on! It was a joke, don't need to be so insensitive!" Mulciber yelled after him, clearly not sorry as he immediately started cackling afterwards.

So that's why he was here, running into a forest clearing in soaking wet pajamas. It was too cold outside to be out like this but he just needed to leave and he knew if he stayed in the castle it'd be worse.

He'd rather be hunted by the centaurs.
Thankfully he had his wand but for some reason he chose to keep his clothes wet. The sharp sting of air hitting his skin was oddly comforting.

He looked around after a while, unfamiliar with the woods and realizing he had probably gone too far.

"Shit." He cursed, shivering slightly.

There was an empty field in the midst of trees, a fallen log in the center. He laughed to himself at the cliche sight.

With his head clouded he sat down on it, wincing when a piece of bark dug into the back of his thigh.

"This is why I don't do the outdoors." He picked it off and flicked it into the grass.

In the distance he heard some bushes rustle and his head snapped to the direction. Feeling defensive, he stood up, wand firm in his hand.

"Who's there?" He asked into the trees.
There was more rustling and a thud against one of the oak.

"Hello?" He asked again, stepping closer.
And from the shadows of the forest emerged a confused looking stag.
James didn't know where he was. He got separated from the group when Sirius decided he wanted to play hide and seek with Peter.

Seriously a werewolf and dog running after a rat? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Either way he got lost in the trees and he swears he's seen that rock before.

Stumbling around until he got too annoyed with every little branch getting stuck in his antlers he returned to his human form.

He was sure that this way he'd get a better sense of direction.

After nearly bumping into five oddly tall trees he made it to the clearing. The one they all met at in the first place.

Just as he was sighing in relief and walking towards it, someone else stumbled in.

Their clothes were dripping with water and their hair was covering their face. It looked like they just went for a swim.

But in pajamas? Really?

James, being the ever so curious gryffindor decided to hide behind a bush to maybe spy a little.

So what? A little spying never did anyone any harm.

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