Invader Zim (Platonic Scenario - "Persona Non Grata")

Comenzar desde el principio

The extraterrestrial, too, seemed uninterested in exploring the apparent disagreement. His large eyes neither blinked nor strayed from your own, even as Darius turned to face you in a silent challenge to acknowledge him, and he proceeded with the inquiry as if the man were invisible. "Where might one find this ... Jill-human?"

"That part," you began, pointing the antenna of the handheld transceiver at him, "is a mystery to all of us."

* * *

A boulder with the rough texture of a cat's tongue sat in the centre of a peculiar clearing. Where heaps of rocks and rubble littered the rest of the surface, or at least as much of it as you could see, this boulder was surrounded by a flat circle of gravel. The incline of the ground towards the rock hinted at a powerful impact that was not unlike a crater, and chunks of lichen dangled from the object as if they had recently been disturbed.

"Why don't you call your alien friend? See if he can move it."

Taking a moment to process the umbrage sprouting in your gut, you inhaled through your nose and raised your head to scan the distant ruins that populated the surface of the planet. A tight smile formed on your lips, and you propped your arms on your knees to propel yourself upwards. "Maybe it's my not-talking-about-killing-him vibe that earned his trust."

A boisterous grunt resounded from directly beside you. "Eh?!"

Darius yelped and leapt backwards, arms rising from his side. His feet struggled to grip the loose chunks of scrap metal beneath him. After narrowly saving himself from a painful fall, he peered at the source with embarrassment and agitation.

Your head swung towards the noise, and the sight of Zim leaning forward as if straining his invisible ears to hear prompted you to hop a step away.

He retreated to an upright position, examining the subject of interest with narrowed eyes and a jutting jaw. After a moment of head tilts that were not unlike those of a bird, a conclusion was reached. The extraterrestrial rested a hand on the collar of his uniform and marched to the slab of detritus with strict, confident strides. "Zim would be delighted to aid his human comrade!"

Four knobs had begun to protrude from his PAK when the extraterrestrial gained a look of alarm. The small objects receded, and Zim cast a wary, wide-eyed glance over his shoulder as if fearing an attack at any moment. Upon receiving bored and impatient stares, he allowed his shoulders to slump in relief.

The endeavour seemed to require every drop of strength that the alien possessed, but even then, the rock only raised enough to fit a thin finger inside the space below. A spindly, angular mass became visible beneath the boulder. It was fleshy and unnaturally hollow, appearing concave in places where it should have been convex.

Inexplicable dread accumulated in your stomach like a pile of marbles. Before you could identify the source of your newfound discomfort, the rock plummeted to its original position with an upsweep of dust. Squinting, you bobbed your head from side to side before taking a step closer to the debris. "What's that under-"

Rather than a handshake, which is what he appeared to believe he was doing, Zim grasped the top and palm of your hand with both of his own and shook it up and down in a robotic manner, asserting in an equally forced tone, "Nothing worthy of the note, human ally."

"He could help us find Jill," came a feeble voice from the direction of your starship. The crunches of pebbles and flimsy pieces of decrepit machinery sought to muffle the words, but they rose with a hesitant strength that betrayed their soft nature. Turning to identify the speaker yielded Luise, a chubby woman who acted as the navigator for this mission.

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