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Skip a few days

Mac : oi baby
Tegan: yes
Mac ; do u wanna come on a hike with miles
Tegan : yh I'll change
Mac ; ok meet u down stairs I'll get us water
Tegan : ok

He walks out and i get up and i change my clothes and i put my hair up and i walk down stairs

Mac : catch

He throw the water bottle at me

Mac ; damn quick reflexs
Tegan : i know
Mac : right come on
Tegan; ready for my legs to die
Mac : oh same right

We walk out the door getting in macs car and he drives to the hike

Miles ; took your damn times
Mac : traffic was awful
Miles : yh yh u were probably both doing your hair
Tegan: nope traffic
Miles ; ok
Mac : lets get this shit over with

We start walking

Mac ; my legs are already dying
Miles : don't start complaining its been 5 minutes
Mac : i don't work out this shit is gonna kill me
Miles : if u die can i take your room at the house i love mom and dad but there driving me crazy
Mac ; no
Tegan; yh no
Miles : well thanks
Mac ; u don't have a job to pay my bills and I'm sure tegan doesn't want 50 random women coming in out of the house and 5 year old running around the house
Tegan: no I'd be fine with the Mason hes adorable
Miles : yh mason is adorable
Mac : yh well still not happening I'm alive and kicking still
Miles ; ok
Tegan: how is mason
Miles ; hes good becoming a bit of a monster but he is good
Tegan: thats good to hear and u
Miles ; u know I'm dealing with being the disappointment of the family
Mac ; oh yes u are

We all start laughing

Tegan; I'm sorry for laughing
Miles : no don't its ok
Mac ; don't say sorry its true
Miles ; yh ok be quiet how are u then
Tegan : been good start my new job next week so excited for that
Miles : good
Mac ; i feel like this is just gonna be catch up between u 2
Me and miles ; probably is
Mac ; creepy
Me and miles ; yep
Mac : stop
Miles : Can't help it
Mac : well try
Miles : calm your tits
Mac : i probably see more tits then u
Miles ; how
Mac ; her
Tegan: wait he just barges into my room doesn't knock and most of the time I'm changing
Miles ; right
Mac ; its fine you've litrally seen my ass hole
Miles ; u must be scared
Tegan ; oh no mac didn't scre me it was my mom
Miles : don't say you've seen your mom naked
Tegan: sadly i have
Miles ; how what
Tegan: she was naked in our backyard with a man
Miles ; oh my God
Mac ; i was so happy i wasn't there
Tegan : well aleast u would have seen a women completely naked
Miles ; have u never seen a naked women
Mac ; no cause I've knowen i was gay since i was 9
Miles ; porn
Mac ; gay porn never watched straight
Miles ; before u die u need to see a naked women
Tegan ; i do agree
Mac ; i mean I'm down
Miles ; lets go to Amsterdam
Mac ; or....

He looks at me

Tegan: no
Mac ; please
Miles ; come on it will be like second on the front a second on the back
Tegan : pay a women who doesn't mind flaunting it
Mac ; why pay if i have u
Miles ; come on hes your bestfriend
Tegan; i wouldn't confident doing it
Mac ; not like I'll judge plus u get naked with drew
Tegan : yh cause were being intimate we aren't and the difference is drew is my boyfriend your my bestfriend
Miles : u have a boyfriend

I nod my head

Miles ; tell me about him how long have u been together is he a good man I'm the older brother who atchally cares about u
Mac ; hes attractive hes nice
Tegan : and we've been together a few days
Miles ; only a few days
Tegan : we've knowen each other a few months tho not like i jumped into a relationship like i did Michael
Mac ; ew don't even bring that stalker up
Miles : stalker
Mac : did i not tell u
Miles : me what
Tegan: after i broke up with Michael he had been fucking stalking me i didn't even release
Miles : how did u find out
Tegan; his friend messaged me and i was like Michaels been stalking u since u guys broke up he apparently follwed me every where i went stalked the people i met waited out side my house . He told me cause he thought Michael was going to do something to me
Mac : and this is why u date someone 2 weeks of knowing them
Tegan; i learnt my lesson
Miles ; what is it with u and dating crazy people
Tegan : oh fuck knows but i believe drew isn't crazy
Mac : god i hope not
Miles; or maybe just don't date
Tegan: drews the last guy I'm going for if it goes wrong i give up
Miles ; ok
Tegan ; hows the love life with u then
Mac : him love life
Miles ; I'm enjoying fucking a chucking
Tegan ; and now i rember why i dislike u
Miles ; bish
Tegan: fight me
Miles ; bet u wouldn't even be able to lift me let alone fight me
Tegan: bet
Miles ; go on then try lift me
Mac ; this is gonna be fun

I wrap my arms around his legs and i pick him up

Miles ; your face is some where it shouldn't be
Tegan ; shut the fuck up I'm lifting u aren't i
Miles ; yes
Tegan; told u could lift u now fight time

I put him down

Miles ; nah
Tegan ; baby
Mac ; ohhh shit u gonna let get away with that
Miles ; yes
Tegan : baby

We make it to the top and i lay down

Mac : we are gonna have dirty asses
Tegan ; i don't care how the hell are we gonna make it down my legs are like jelly
Mac : we will fight throw it
Miles ; u guys are so lazy
Mac : we know
Tegan ; bed is better this shit
Mac ; i get my exercise from sex
Miles ; oh samd
Tegan : why are kellers fuck boys
Miles ; what can we say everyone is attracted to us

I nod my head

Miles ; well come on guys lets go
Tegan ; noooo
Mac ; let us sleep here
Miles ; u would probably get eaten alive so come on
Tegan : I'm running it so i can get home quicker
Mac : the floor is so uneven u would fall
Tegan : oh well we all have to run last one down pays for dinner
Miles : shit

He quickly starts running and i quickly get up

Mac ; dick heads

I hear him yell and i catch up with miles over taking him and i run past a load of people and i start running out of breath and i get a stich but i push past it as i really didn't want pay for dinner nor be in this hike trail for long and i finally make it to the car and then miles wasn't to far behind .

Miles ; well looks like macs paying
Tegan : yes it does
Miles : jeuse
Tegan : i really am unhealthy
Mac ; fuck u both
Miles ; I'm gonna enjoy getting the most expensive thing
Mac ; yet again fuck u both
Tegan; come I'm starving
Mac : yh yh ok

We get in the car and i drive to a restaurant

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