Jr and Jayden's first words

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Eric's POV

Three Months Later

Madison and I have been enjoying each other's company on the vacation I planned months ago.

"Hey Boo. You okay out here?" She comes by my side.

"Yeah. I'm ready to sex you up though."

"Nope! We have company."

"At midnight?" I ask.


Kayden and Jr have grown so much.

Madison pulls me to her and kisses me.

"What do you want for breakfast hubby?"

"Pancakes and eggs will be fine sweetheart."

I hear Kayden's cry, so I go to the room. He and Jr are looking at each other. "You boys hungry?"

Both of them giggle, so I take them both to the kitchen. Kayden lights up when he sees Madison, so does Jr.

"Are those my boys?" She asks. Both Jr and Kayden erupt in giggles and claps. I hand Jr to Madison and I keep Kayden.

After everyone's eaten, it's time for some shopping. The boys are growing so fast. Madison and I head to the baby store to find clothes and shoes for them.

Madison's POV

As we're walking and looking at clothes I hear "Mommy!"

"Who said that?"

Eric is on the other side of the store with Kayden.

"Mommy!" I look at Jr, smiling and crying.

Eric comes over. "What's wrong?"


"Oh my cheese sticks!" Eric says in excitement.

We get their clothes and head to other stores for shoes.

Kayden all of a sudden says "big brother".

Wow! Kayden's on to two words!

Eric's POV

"Did they just say what I think they said?" I ask Madison.

"I don't know. Tell him what you said guys."

Jr. screams "Mommy" while Kayden screams "big brother"

I can't help the tears that are coming out of my eyes as they continue saying the words over and over to get a feel for them.

Madison and I take the boys to a park.

"Mommy!" Jr squeaks in excitement.

"They are so precious." Madison says.

We both play with them and walk around the park.

We don't realize how late it is until the sun starts going down. Both Kayden and Jr are falling asleep.

"I'll take my brother home."

"Okay." We leave the park. After dropping Kayden off, I head home to my son and wife. What a day! What a day!

I hear Jr saying "Mommy!" While giggling. Madison's changing his diaper.

"Look." She points to me. "Say dada." All I get are giggles and smiles.

He reaches for me, so I get him. He lays his head on my chest and son after, I hear little snores.

"He's out." I put him in bed and come back to Madison, who's watching a movie.

"Wow they really said their first words today."

"I know. I can't believe it either."

We watch movies until we fall asleep.

Aww Jr and Kayden said their first words!



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