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As we followed Annabeth through the woods, I started to second guess what I knew.

Percy, Percy and Percy.

I'm pretty sure the new hunter girl, Zoë, I think mentioned their names.

Pete, and Pat, or something like that. I wasn't really listening. My hand were starting to itch and well the rest just took care of itself.

Annabeth had said that she knew where Percy was.

But I'm not sure we still knew Percy.

Or maybe I was just worried what had happened to Percy.

Last I checked, Percy's blood had been found outside of camp, but no body, there was enough blood to assume that he was dead. 

But Nico had never found his spirit anywhere in the Underworld, and no body was ever found.

A small part of me always hoped Percy was still alive, in a weird way I missed him.

But until now I had just accepted that he was dead.

Now he wasn't.

There were three of him.

And he hung around of formerly dead people.

Did we still know Percy, or were we just kidding ourselves.

Suddenly the ground started to shake.

Annabeth froze.

I almost ran flat into her.

"What is it?" asked Thalia.

The ground started to shake harder, and then it started to make weird groaning sounds.

"It sounds like an really un-oiled machine," was the first stupid thing out of my mouth.

"It can't be," Annabeth breathed.

"Hello, earth to Annabeth," Thalia waved her hand in front of her face.

"This power."

"Annabeth what are you talking about?" asked Calypso.

Annabeth took off running again, not saying another word. She ran faster than before.

Something was definitely wrong.

Suddenly the air turned cold and the wind picked back up.

Them we heard it.

A scream.

Full of pain....

Full of terror....

And even though I had no idea how I knew....

It was also full of death....

And it sounded like someone we all knew.

Zoë looked horrified, then she took off after Annabeth.

I was frozen in fear.

Calypso grabbed my hand, and I felt her shaking.

Finally Thalia voiced the fear that now gripped ever fibber of my body.

"Was that Jackson?"

Heroes of Chaos 1: The Returning SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now