Chapter 2

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Entering the warehouse, I left my siblings in, I turned to Elijah and gestured to the coffins that line the wall. Giving me one last slightly cautious look, he vamp-sped to the caskets before, one by one, opening them and pulling the daggers from each, even Finn. While he did that I sent a quick text to Freya to come over, can't have a family reunion without the whole family.

Moving to the entrance of the building, I opened it and allowed the humans I compelled to come in. The group of nine split up and three went to stand around each coffin, waiting for my brothers and sister to wake up.

Two boring and uneventful hours, if you don't count me plotting different ways to mess with the 'Scooby Doo' Gang, later, my little sister was the first to show movement as she shot from her coffin. She latched onto one of the compelled human snacks, and drained them in seconds before moving onto the next. Her actions were quickly copied by Kol and Finn as they, too, woke up.

Once satisfied, Kol was first to speak up, his tone filled with sarcasm, "Well would you look at that, our sister finally got bored of carting us around in caskets."

"Well I broke my curse so it will be easier for me to protect you. Oh. And I found out father dearest is currently desiccating in a cemetery, in Charlotte. I thought it'd be a good family bonding experience, to kill him together."

"What?!" Finn, Kol and Rebekah all gave me looks of disbelief, glancing at Elijah, only to see him as confused as they were, before they all looked at me again.

"Finn, brother, I have a surprise for you. One I believe you will enjoy a great amount." Not giving him a chance to respond, though I don't think he could of in his state of shock, I continued, "Freya, my darling big sis, would you be a dear and come on in."

The doors to the warehouse were push open, and a blonde haired beauty entered. "No need to shout little sister, I would have heard you either way." She spoke up with amusement lacing her tone.

Before we could continue our sibling banter, we were interrupted by the oldest Mikaelson brother. "Freya? Is it really you?" When he spoke, Finn's voice cracked slightly, as his tone was filled with hope.

Expression softening, Freya moved towards the only sibling that was alive at the time she was taken, "It's me, Finn. It's me. And I'm not going anywhere."

Our brother used his vampire speed to move over to Freya, and rapped his arms around her, holding onto her like she was his lifeline. The older blonde held on just as tightly as the oldest brunette of the family.

Kol, being the little shit he is, decided to ruin the moment, "What the fuck is going on?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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