09-𝐟*𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬

Bắt đầu từ đầu

As soon as you walk into the living room, Umi wails "SHE BIT ME!" You let out a long sigh before snapping, "Uma why?!" Nonchalantly, she shrugs off the situation, then proceeds to sit on the couch and watch tv. Your blood begins to boil at the thought of how you got stuck babysitting in the first place. By the time you get Umi to stop crying and Uma to apologize, you completely forget Shindo was on the phone. When you went back in the kitchen you expected him to have hung up but he was still there, on pause. You huff out a frustrated sigh, "I'm back." Immediately Shindo comes back on the screen. "How's babysitting going?" He teases. You shake your head still trying to recuperate after all of Umi's crying and screaming.

It's around eight pm now and Yuki still isn't home yet nor has she called to check-in. You're grateful that Shindo is still on the phone with you, keeping you company. If he wasn't you would have been left with your thoughts causing you to feel nothing but hostility the whole day. While you wait for the food you ordered for dinner to be delivered, you help your cousins with their winter homework packets. In school they're teaching the kids about body positivity so for every worksheet they have to state a feature they like about themselves. As they write down their answers Uma asks, "Y/n what's your favorite feature?" To get the question over with you randomly answer, "My nose." Unsatisfied Umi chimes in, "No I said that already choose something else!" Once again to get it over with your answer, "My eyes!" Now happy with your answer Umi smiles adorably, "Me too!" Holding your phone you walk to the kitchen to grab a drink when Shindo asks, "You said your eyes?" Gulping your water, you nod. Thinking to yourself confused on why he asked. He blurts out flirtatiously, "I would have said your lips-" He pauses; staring while slightly tilting his head, admiring you through the screen before he continues, "Yeah but your eyes are pretty too." Not knowing how to react, you stutter shyly, "T-thanks..." Still staring at you unfazed he responds, "You're welcome!"

Just like last time when he flirted with you at the mall, you couldn't really focus on the conversation after that. Because of what he said you can't help but think back to what he said at the beginning of the call. Was he saying he wanted to link, like just chill? Or that he wanted to take me out?! Before you get too quiet and let your mind roam you just decided you'll mention it to the girls. It's around ten o'clock now and you put the kids to bed as soon as they finish eating. You would have bathed them but they were so out of it, it would have made the whole process more difficult. You lay on the couch relieved that you have free time after dealing with your cousins all day. As Shindo is mid-sentence, you hear the front door rattle. Cutting him off, you disclose, "Shindo I'm gonna call you back." "Your aunt is home?" "Yup!" You say getting fired up to press her. "Aight, I'll talk to you later. Goodnight." "Night! Oh and thanks!" He smiles, not saying anything before hanging up. After him flirting again with you tonight, you know that him staying on the phone with you the whole day wasn't just to keep you company, but because just like you he genuinely enjoys your presence; Hence the reason he didn't say anything. To your surprise not only your aunt walks in but your mom as well, a little tipsy.

Exhausted once again, she hugs you saying goodnight then heads upstairs for the night. Yuki smiles at you, placing two large bags on the coffee table. You remain stern with her, sincerely pissed she left you with your cousins the whole day. "Where were you?" "I told you. I had to run some errands and by the time I finished your mom was done with work and we decided to go out to get a couple of drinks and eat." Trying not to snap, you speak harshly, "You always say you're not going to be gone long then leave me with the kids for the whole day!" "They're not bad kids-" Now even more agitated than before you cut her off, "They're not! But they're a lot to handle. Yuki, I don't mind watching them, I love them with all my heart but I would appreciate it if you would ask! Just like you made plans today I could have had plans too!"

Starting to feel remorse, Yuki starts to apologize, hugging you tight. "I know I said I wouldn't do it anymore but this time I had a good reason." Still remaining stern with her, you break from her arms and glare at her. Pointing to the two large bags on the table she says, "All of this is for you! I did promise I would make it up to you." Confused as to why she bought stuff this time instead of giving you cash like she usually does, she starts to unpack the bags. Excited, she pulls out one thing after another naming things so fast you can barely keep up. "I got some apple cider vinegar gummies that actually taste good because I don't know about you but that shit tastes god awful to me! I also got the liquid form so you can take a bath with it. Oh and this is at-home yoni steam, and I got you some boric acid just in case and-" Already knowing what this stuff is for, you're hesitant but still ask, "Aunt Yuki- what is all this for?" "You're really gonna expect me to act like after last night I don't know you're having sex?!" Embarrassed, you shout in a whisper, "Yuki!" Nodding your head upstairs signaling that your mom might hear. She shoos her hand, "Your mom has a drop of wine and is done for the night." Even though you know she saw you on the phone with Bakugou last night, you're in shock that she's being this chill and upfront about it.

𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ