☁︎||like real people do||☁︎

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❝people are looking...❞ ❝and?❞


It was pretty obvious that I liked Hayden. I mean...have you seen the guy? He's tall, pretty, has these eyes that you could look into for ages, a smile that could cause even the weariest sun to rise from its slumber...and his laugh that felt like a thousand kisses on your nose.

He was this ray of sunshine that would brighten your day in any way possible. He wasn't perfect, then again no one is...but there was always something about Hayden that made him seem flawless. How he was still single was a mystery, but perhaps he just couldn't find that right person yet. Or maybe he-

what the hell was I thinking? Hayden was one of my best friends, not some romantic love interest. Just a friend and nothing else...but something kept telling me that he wasn't just a friend; maybe it's that gut feeling telling me that he's a middle school crush that I would fantasize about until it went away a few weeks later. But it didn't feel like a middle school crush, this felt like a full-fledge hopeless romantic moment where I would want to rip my entire heart out so it stopped beating so fucking fast whenever I saw him.

I roll over on my side of the bed, Hayden is out and I'm still awake and alone with my thoughts. I stare at the ceiling for a bit, my thoughts rushing from left to right and my eyes starting to create pictures in the dark. is it possible that I am actually in love with him?

I roll over again, reaching for my phone to see if anyone else was awake. I needed to get my mind off of this because it was starting to bother me a bit. I open discord on my phone and open on of the servers, scrolling to see that some of the people I knew were awake. I didn't want to bother them though, but I noticed Bekah was still online.


About time you fucking message me back 🙄 

Lol, I was busy

🙄  what do you need, bestie?

I need advice


A person

I’m going to need more context

I may or may not like a person and I don’t know how to handle it or tell them

Omg who, tell me rn!

A guy

Not helpful

I think I like Hayden but idk

You’re kidding right?


I knew you were fucking fruity!

Are you going to help me or not???

Well I can give you some, but not much. What do you need to know?

How am I supposed to tell him?

Depends, aren’t you with him rn?

Yes but

Then just tell him when he wakes up

But that sounds so stressful…

Then Idk what to tell Neon. Tell him when you feel ready and if you don’t tell him that’s okay too

Thank you Bekah <3

You’re welcome neon <3

I closed out of discord and set my phone down on the night stand, my eyes starting to droop into a tired haze. I wasn’t tired, but my eyes were saying otherwise; my eyes slowly closed and I fell into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of what this trip could possible hold. 


I had only slept a few hours before waking up again to go out and get breakfast with Hayden. He suggested we go to waffle house, and i agreed. Waffles were always a good breakfast option, they were light and airy, they felt like a cloud whenever you ate them. My mouth watered at the thought of the fluffy breakfast food, luckily the waffle house wasn’t far from the hotel. When we got to the waffle house, we were seated and we got our orders and looked at eachother with heads filled with ideas for the day.

“What do you wanna do today?”

“well..I don’t know, you live around here.”

“What’s that go to do with anything?” hayden laughed. His laugh was so bubbly, it started to send butterflies through my stomach. Was it going to be like this the entire time i was with him? "what if we went to the gardens? I don't think I've ever been, we can grab lunch while we're out too!" Hayden pulled me out of my thoughts, he was smiling over at me from his side of the tablet. I smiled back and nodded.

"a garden? isn't that a bit..."


"no...boring." I did like the idea of going to a garden, but it seemed a bit too boring for my taste. it was only flowers and the occasional water fountain, how fun could it possibly be to go to a garden in New York City with one of the prettiest boys I knew? now that I think about it...maybe it didn't seem so bad, 

the flowers didn't seem as boring once we got there, most of them were blooming and reaching for the sun's grasp. There were so many different kinds of flowers as well, and there was more that just flowers. the garden had a little coffee shop that hosted cute couples drinking their coffee, large fountains with angelic women upon the tops of them, winding creeks that was home to peaceful koi, and pathways that reminded me of a studio ghibli film. 

I noticed hayden had his eyes over on the Orchids that were on the other side of the creek, they were a soft blue so i could see why they caught his eye. He turned to walk away and while he was looking i stepped through the creek to grab one for him, i’d give it to him later. As we walked i spotted a group of alliums in a hanging basket on the vine coated. wedding arch. I reached but couldn’t quite get to them. 

i felt a presence behind me, a hand starting to slither around my waist, as they started reaching behind me for the alliums. I felt the person behind me pull me a bit closer into their chest before finally letting go. A part of me wishes the person would have held me a little longer than those few seconds, I already knew who the person was and I didn’t even have to see his face. 

“People are looking”


I pushed him away slightly, but not too far. And I turned around to look at him, he was still the prettiest boy I had ever seen. He hands me the allium he had picked and smiled. God those fucking butterflies again...

My Little Pogchamp || HaydenIsEpicWhere stories live. Discover now