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The door to the planetarium is wide open when I arrive at the science building. I take a seat near the center where Professor Astor was standing last time. Only a handful of students are here and the room quiet and has a pleasant temperature. 

I have my notes on my lap and begin to reread them for the fifth time for the time being. More students fill the room and sit down in silence. Even though I'm nervous to face the professor again, I do like the atmosphere in here. Pun unintended. Pik takes the seat next to me with a smile.

"You look beautiful today," is the first thing he says. "I made a promise and I intend to keep it." 

I try to ignore his comment to avoid the rising heat in my cheeks. I was hoping he had forgotten about the promise he made in the library last week.

"You weren't lying when you said you'd be early," he says as he opens his notes.

"I thought we weren't supposed to be talking in here," I whisper.

"Astor isn't here yet. We're still at liberty," he jokes.

"Do you like him? The professor I mean."

"I guess," he shrugs. "He's so friendly and cheerful."

"Ha, right."

"Joke aside, he seems like a jerk but he's not so bad if you follow his instructions."

"I must have left a great first impression..."

"My first impression with him was pretty bad too. But now he likes me. God knows why."

"What was your first impression?" I am curious.

"I was really loud, trying to be a smart ass. I would be late, leave early, make jokes... I was the worst type of student. Still am, just not in here," he gives me a playful smile. "He also hates the theater, so no plus points on that front either."

"How did you make him like you? Are you a spy? Who do you work for? Tell me your secrets."

"Look at you making a joke," he laughs and pushes his hair back. "This all happened last year in his astrophysics class. I realized my mistakes and made up for them by paying attention and following the rules. I might even apply to becoming his assistant, but he already has two students filling that position."

"I thought you said you're studying the arts, why are you taking so many solar physics classes?"

"I like the stars," he smirks and shrugs.

"Well played, using my own words against me."

"Silence!" A harrowing voice calls from the back, sending chills down my spine.

Professor Astor shuts the doors and starts his presentation at a fast pace before he even arrives in the center. Pik shows me his notebook, in which he has written in all caps *THERE GOES OUR LIBERTY* with a comical drawing of Professor Astor in a super villain pose, raising his arms for demonic laughter. Pik added a third eye, like that of a snake, and a dark hood. The amount of talent I see in front of me stuns me. I open my notebook and write into the corner in tiny cursive *That's impressive*.

His eyes light up and he rips that corner out before I can stop him. When I give him a scolding look he winks at me and turns his attention to the nebula above our heads. It's quite beautiful. This class would be far more enjoyable if I wouldn't be so nervous about the professor's opinion or Pik treating our lecture like a date.

The two hour class goes by pretty quickly. While everyone gets up to leave when class is over, I take some final notes and mark the pages of my textbook that we have to read until next week. Pik gets up to leave but waits for a second until I look up at him.

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now