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In the government the have a place called the pet academy. I know what your thinking,"Oh that doesn't sound bad." But your wrong. It's more of a boot camp of abuse to break you, to make you into a perfect "pet" for supernatural beings like vampires, werewolves, shape shifters,.....ect.
Most of the story's about human pets are the vampires pets because they are traumatic and scary but have you ever heard of a angles human pet? It's not as fun as u think. I mean they don't abuse us but it's the way we are trained that make us like we are. Scared, obedient, loyal... perfect.
The pet academy is not okay at all. When you are born you are sent to the pet academy and given a number, not a name, a number. Mines #3409. the first day we are put in cages like an animal( which we are to them but) and kept there for 2 months not being let out to even stretch. they called it getting used to our beds and rooms. then they had us run a training course 100 times on all fours, no breaks just lunch that was a slice of stale bread, water, and mush in dog bowls. then we learn not to talk by being asked questions and only being allowed to nod or make noises. If we answer with words we are hit with a stick on our back and not allowed food that day. We are on strict diet of 1/2 cup of mush and 1 cup of water at breakfast and dinner and 3 "treats" a day.
After 10years of that we are sent to the pet store and bought........ I'm in my 9th year. Hears my story...... today is training not to talk and I'm next in line. I look around and see every one looking either nervous or tired. As I wait I realize I'm next so I crawl in to the room an sit in front of the table. the man comes in and sits, gives me a treat and takes out the beating stick. I quiver in fear as he sets in in front of him. He pauses before asking me," Do you know what day it is?" I nodded in response. then he asked," Do you want a treat?" I nodded eagerly awaiting the treat but it never came. I sat through all the questions and left to go to the training course to run it 15 times then lunch. I ran under the jump, through the tunnel, then over the jumps and the over the ramp. Them my handler took my to my room( cage ) and got me my lunch then 30 minutes later I went to the salon and got my new outfit. today was a tight corset and a thin white dress. I was then put in my room and locked in but I was confused because I never go to my room after lunch.
A man walked in and covered my bed with a blanket and I felt it being picked up and carried out and what felt like a truck. all I remember was the rumble of the truck slowly putting me to sleep.
Hey I love all my readers but I don't like ghost readers so plz comment and vote I'm tryin for the watts this year

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