Chapter 10

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Warning: trigger warning and gross out warning for puking

Thorin watched as his young nephews slept in the heat of the morning sun. They had walked on for several days after splitting from the company. Their pace had been unbearably slow because of the heat and their deteriorating health. They could only travel at night and in the early hours of the morning, as by noon, it became too hot to travel. They managed only a few miles at a time.

They had gone up and over the mountains, and it took more than a week to reach the River Lune at their devastatingly slow pace. The river had been slow moving, allowing them to cross and continue on, going east into Hobbiton. Finally, after two full weeks, they would reach the shire by nightfall. From there, they could head for Bree. The town of men would be their first place of refuge. Thorin thought he could find work there and decide upon their next course of action.

He just had to get them that far. As he looked down at Fili and Kili, he feared for them both. At least Fili had finally allowed him and Kili to take a look at his untreated orc wound. It showed signs of infection and they had done their best to bind it properly. He seemed to improve for the moment, and his pace had quickened.

The heat spell was relentless. Thorin could not remember a time in memory when this part of Middle Earth had baked like this. The river shrank and became still and unhealthy to drink from, and mosquitos and other insects buzzed around them relentlessly. The grass was a golden brown color, and the heat had caused many animals to die or move away and plants died as well. This problem was taking its toll on Thorin and his nephews. They had sometimes been lucky and had caught fish or a rabbit, but mostly, they were living off of berries and insects. They had gone many days without a full meal and that, coupled with heat sickness and a lack of fresh water, was having a devastating effect on all three of them.

Thorin moved over to wake Kili. Shaking him gently, he swallowed hard when his youngest nephew opened his eyes to look up at him. He looked terrible. He was in the early stages of starvation and of dehydration and was beginning to look emaciated. His eyes were shrunken in and Thorin could see the way his body trembled. His hair and tunic- which hung in rags by now- were still damp from a recent dip in the river.

Thorin remembered the devastating effects of starvation. In the time after they had been forced from Erebor, before they had made their home in the Blue Mountains, many of his people had died of starvation. He had never imagined he would have to watch his beloved nephews succumb to this.

"Come on, we need to make a few miles before it gets too hot," Thorin said, helping Kili to his feet. "With any luck, we can make it to the shire by tonight."

"Alright..." Kili responded weakly, swaying a little on his feet. Thorin felt the pains of hunger and thirst as well, and knew he didn't look much better.

"I was dreaming of Mother's roasted mutton," Kili said with a small smile as Thorin turned to Fili. "And ale and fresh cheese!"

Thorin's stomach lurched painfully at the thought of food, "Sounds delightful," he said as he reached out to touch Fili on the shoulder.

Fili moaned as Thorin shook him gently. But to his concern, the blonde dwarf didn't move. Kili frowned as he and Thorin exchanged concerned glances. Fili lay on his side, curled in slightly. Gently, Thorin tried to wake him again.

"Fili," he said firmly, "Come on, we must continue on."

Thorin's concern grew when Fili only coughed in response. Slowly, he rolled his nephew over onto his back and paled when his hand brushed against Fili's face. It was hot and his skin was flushed with heat, but took on a strange yellowish tint.

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