Chapter 1

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Death. Death was creeping up on Isaac. Well, it was creeping up on everyone. Ever so slowly tho just waiting for the right moment to make its more. It was all about the right timing. Isaac knew that more than most people considering the fact that he had been playing baseball as soon as he could walk, at least that's what his parents told him. Death would be making its more on Isaac soon very soon, he knew that, his family knew that, the doctors that surround him knew that this was just a waiting game for him. Death was also creeping up on Grace as well. Although, she was the most alive person you had seen. She moved with purpose, laughed with real joy, and smiled with certain brightness that only the sun could compete with. She was Isaacs only sunshine, inside the dark hospital. The times it got bad, Grace was always there with her ballet shoes. Once everyone had left and the doctors were no longer roaming the halls. She would peak her head into your doorway, smiling. The smile only she was capable of smiling. Isaac would tell her she had a lot of energy for a dying girl. She would call him stupid and start to dance around his room. Isaac watched her closely as she moved so delicate, every movement so precious and certain. But relaxed and carefree at the same time the way her fingertips extended as if everything she had ever wanted was within her grasp, had Isaac in a trance. The way her toes pointed the skilfully soft landing after her jump, and the way she turned do gracefully. He were in love. She'd bow at the end of every performance and you swore the cancer was cured. She'd ask what he though at the end of the performance was done and he would reply with the same phase every time: "you make dying worth it." After all, it was the entire truth. As you waited for the inevitable to take place, her presence blessed you. Her presence made Isaac forget about everything, him just being able to look her in the eyes made him blessed. She predicted she would die before you. Isaac told her there is no way someone ad lively ad her would meet their end first. When she had bad days you would sneak to her room and tell her his stories on the field. As before Isaac got sick he would play everyday making sure to remember all the story's on the field. He'd try his best to describe the feeling of his bat sticking the ball perfectly and how the crack that filled the stadium fired your entire body as he ran. She'd comment on how his eyes always shone when he talked about the sport he adored so much. He'd kiss her entire face and said to her that he could never adore something more than he adored her. She'd giggle and take your face in her hands, bringing her lips to his.

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