Chapter 2 - Discoveries

Start from the beginning

As he goes, he half expects Ahsoka to appear out of nowhere and has to keep reminding himself that no, he didn't leave her at the Temple on this mission because she's gone – or actually, he hasn't even met her, but being back in battle is giving him something to focus on other than the constant pain he's been carrying.

It's not until all the droids are down that he falls back to his former master's side.


Obi-Wan does not have a good feeling about this. Something is definitely off. When Anakin woke up earlier, he had sensed something very wrong. He had felt a ripple in the Force, centering on Anakin. He definitely felt and still feels the darkness and pain Anakin mysteriously contains. Obi-Wan knows the war has been hard on him, but this is something else entirely, and the fact it came out of literally nowhere concerns him even more. Even stranger, the way Anakin is fighting – as efficient as it may be – is nothing like he's ever seen before.

"When did you learn to fight like that?" he asks. It was darker, more aggressive (and admittedly, much more showy than necessary) than he's seen before.

As usual since it happened, Anakin stares at him blankly for a few moments. He looks honestly confused. "I learned efficiency," he supplies finally, and Obi-Wan senses the prickle of concern he feels every time Anakin says anything. He'd been relaxing a little during the battle, but now he's getting tense and close off again during the battle. Something is definitely wrong. Whatever he saw, it was bad.

Obi-Wan returns his attention to the battlefield, trying not to let his concern distract him. "We're going to need reinforcements, but we haven't been able to get through to the Admiral."

Anakin mutters something that sounds suspiciously like a 'how did I know this was going to happen?'

Tanks are making their way forwards now, through the debris field, even while the cannons fire down on them. Until they suddenly stop advancing and turn around, heading back the way they came.

"They're pulling back!" Anakin exclaims.

The sound of an engine draws the Jedi Master's attention skywards. A shuttle flies directly overhead, moving past to land. "Looks like help has arrived," he remarks. "Our cruiser must be back." He wonders, now, if Ahsoka is going to be sent in now. Before heading for Christophsis, he had spoken with Master Yoda about giving Anakin a padawan. It would do him a lot of good, and the girl needs a master soon. They would fit perfectly, but the only way Anakin would even agree is if they were forced to work together. Given the circumstances, now might be the best time.

Obi-Wan starts heading towards the landing platform, realizing immediately that Anakin isn't following, and the sheer amount of fear pouring off him is almost tangible. He stops and turns back.

His former padawan stands a few feet behind, unusually pale. His usually clear blue eyes are full of fear and pain.

"Anakin." Obi-Wan steps up to him, and he flinches slightly, but at least seems to somewhat snap out of whatever it is he was thinking. "Anakin, what's wrong?" His tone brooks no refusal. Because something is very, very wrong, and he needs to know what.

Anakin blinks a few times, like he's having a hard time believing what he's seeing before he finally answers. By dodging the question. "We have to deal with this. Let's just get it over with."


"We can talk about it later." He somehow manages to look both resigned and desperate at once, motioning towards the ship.

"Fine. But we are talking about this." Obi-Wan gives him a pointed look. He hates seeing him like this, but he doesn't know what happened to cause it. "Stay calm. Focus." He's beginning to rethink giving Anakin a padawan after all. With how he's acting now, it might not be a good idea. If anyone needs help, he does, but Ahsoka is already here. Anakin would make a great teacher someday, but maybe not now while he's so clearly struggling.

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