Chapter 6 (Kai's past) part two

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A/N: Kai is 7 years old in this one❤

Kai was running as fast as he could in an alley, he was so scared, today he got  5/10 in the math test, and he is so afraid of what his father might do to him. After moments rain started dropping slowly then faster, and he was in front of his huge house.

Kai's house:

With shivering hand he opened the door, to be met with his father dark brown eyes, and evil smirk

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

With shivering hand he opened the door, to be met with his father dark brown eyes, and evil smirk. He swallowed, without a word from his father he gave him the paper. "5/10 ha?" Kai nodded taking a slap in result "DIDN'T YOU STUDY?!" "I did" "THEN WHAT IS THIS?!" Kai didn't answer he started to cry. "I'm not going to punish you now, just wait." Ray said then went.

At night: 

"Where are you going?" Ray asked Kai as he saw him going to his room."I'm going to sleep"oh, about that your not going to sleep in your room today" "then where I'm going to?" "In the backyard" "WHAT?!!!!" Kai shouted he knows that his dad is without a heart but... "As you heard now GO!" "But dad p-" "NO BUTS, YOU SHOULD HAVE THINK BEFORE YOU DID THIS! NOW GO!!" Kai shakily stood outside it was raining so much. He took a deep shaky breath then laid on the grass, as he was crying. "Mommy please come back, it's cold come and hug me mom please"


6th chapter is out hope you like it😎😎😎


My Home... My Hell (A Ninjago AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang