the world stopped spinning

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We entered the flower shop and Damiano was more excited than I have ever been. I taught him how to make a bouquet and also the names of some flowers he didn't know.

'Do you work?' I asked while we were on a break.
'Yeah, I am a translator. English, Italian, Korean and Greek.' he grinned proudly.
'Wow, that's impressing.' I giggled.
'I'm working from home so it's not really hard.'
'Did you open Wanda's text?' I asked.
'No.. I forgot about it. I'll open it now.' he said and took out his phone.

He went through his phone and opened Snapchat. I didn't look at what Wanda sent him because I didn't want to be so nosy, but he put down his phone with a disgusted look.
'She sent me pictures in lingerie.. he said confused. She never did that.'
'She's trying to bring you back to her for sex' I laughed ironically.
'I don't know what to do.. What should I say?' he asked looking at me.
'Something like 'that's not impressive', I don't know.'
'I don't wanna get punched again.' he laughed, but I looked at him confused.
'Are you going to end things with her?'
'Yes.. I believe' he said in a low tone.
'You believe? Damiano, she hit you..'
'I'll break up with her, no worries. Now, let's get back to work.' he said smiling and stood up.

The day went on normally, we had a fun time. He was a very talkative person so I got to understand a lot of his behavior: his dad also left him when he was young. I just listened, not talking much about my personal life. His was more interesting after all.

We were on another break just talking and laughing. It was 6pm, meaning that in an hour we would go home. The bell rang and we both stood up still laughing, but Damiano's face got serious when he saw who entered the shop.

'Dam, baby, what are you doing?' No fucking way.
'Wanda, please, leave me alone.' he said slowly.
'Why are you with this girl? Didn't I tell you something, dear?' she asked me.
'Stop being an abusive partner and then we can talk.'
'Don't you dare give me advice! Dam, we're going home.' she said and took his hand.
'Leave me alone' he whined trying to shake his hand off, but she wouldn't let go.
'He told you to leave him alone!' I said and free Damiano's hand.

Wanda gasped and scoffed.
'Is this how you wanna play, boy? Well, fuck you. And fuck your little bitch too. You are mine!' she spitted these words and left dramatically.

Damiano was petrified, he was looking at me with fear in his eyes. I went and hugged him tight and he rested his head on my shoulder.
'I'll never escape this..' he whispered.
'You will. It will take time for her to realize that it's over.' I said stroking his back.
'You don't understand.. she is obsessed. She will never let me live a normal life.'

I didn't know what to believe. I understood Damiano's concern, but at the same time is obsession possible after three months? Maybe it was, but I think that's just stupid and a sign of past trauma.

We closed earlier since I just didn't want to spend more time there. Again, I felt like I didn't belong there anymore.


'Do you want to stay over tonight or?' I asked when Damiano parked the car in front of my apartament.
'If it's not a problem.. I mean, I don't want to be a burden.'
'You're not, don't worry. Come on.' I said and got out of the car.

Inside the apartament, Thomas was on the couch reading. I sat next to him and Damiano went to take a shower.

'Again?' he whispered in my ear laughing.
'Shut up! He might hear you!' I whispered back punching him lightly in the arm.
'You're so in love, it's ridiculous. Make the first move already.'
'I'm not in love. He is my friend who's in a bad situation and I am helping him out.'
'By sleeping in the same bed? Sorn, if you two didn't make out I will be dissapoin-'
'Oh my god, shut the fuck up!' I yelled-whispered and he laughed in response.
'You know I love you' he messed up my hair.
'Yeah, yeah' I rolled my eyes back.

I went in my bedroom and he went back to his book. Shorly after, Damiano came in my room. His dark hair was wet and water was dripping from it. Thank god he was wearing a tshirt.

'Tomorrow I'll go to my place. I don't want to bother you guys.' he said sitting next to me.
'Stay as long as you want. What will you do next?'
'Break up with her, he said lifting his shoulders. I don't want to deal with the stress anymore.'
'It's good that you realized that.'

He smiled softly.
We ate dinner with Thomas who was asking way too many uncomfortable questions.
'Are you gonna marry my sister now?' he asked stuffing food in his mouth.
'Don't talk while eating!' I said.

Damiano just laughed. I felt so embarrassed, but he seemed just amused. Then, we both made our way in my room.
'Should we sleep?' he asked and I nodded.

I knew it was still very early and we would go in bed and chat for another hour or two. And that's what happened. Just like earlier, Damiano did all the talking. I wasn't complaining though, his life was so full of drama, especially highschool.
'Yeah, and then he tried to punch me and the nurse came yelling like crazy, he laughed and so did I. Ok, ok, one truth two lies, ok?' he said after he calmed down.
'Fine, but I suck at this game. You go first.' I said leaning my head on my arm.
'I graduated first in my class in highschool, when I was a kid I wanted to be a moviestar aaand.. I really want to do something stupid right now.' he said looking directly in my eyes.
'Uhhh, I don't know.. depends on what do you want to do' I laughed.

He came closer to my face, barely some millimeters between our noses touched. My breathing stopped and I knew what he wanted to do. And in that moment, it felt right. I pressed my lips on his and he was surprised at first, but answered the kiss. It wasn't sexual at all, more like passionate and full of desperation. Both of us were nervous, but brave enough to try.

And in that moment the world stopped spinning as his lips met mine and I forgot how to breathe.

hope u like it ahhh stay safe loviu🤍

Unconditionally- David Damianoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن