Just you wait!

I will get you all out!

Hawks: But, bunny? What's up?! They are right there! We can finish them!

He came flying towards me and then speed flying beside me running with OfA back to the only corner that I send Mic go.

Me: It's a trap!

While I was saying this we could hear Mic's loud voice screaming YEAH and in the next moment I became the notification that he was gone.


We both speeded around the corner and there I saw Mic and 3 heroes.

Me: Don't hold back!

Hawks: I would never!

Here is our chance!

Let's do the most of it!

I took the scythe from behind me and the moment I was in front of Kendo I used one end to cut right into her arm which for sure would leave a scar and more importantly the force I used send her flying towards the next building but before she could hit the wall, Hawks picked her up with one of his feathers and send her back flying towards me. I then jump kicked her to the ground.

Kendo: *Bloody Cought*

I saw her coughing up some blood and hear Recovery Girls voice that she was out of the game.

Next I saw Awase coming towards me and a couple of scales too. Powering OfA up, I began to turn the scythe in circles around me in an incredible speed and just like that I began to destroy all the scales that Tokage send at me while also not giving Awase any chance in attacking me.

Not that he could in the first place. Hawks landed behind to my side and took out two of his feathers like a twin sword.

I then stopped twirling my scythe around after being happy with the damage I did.

Get ready, here we come!

Me: Let's do this!

That was the clue for us both to attack the persons in front of us. With the scythe in my hands I began running at Tokage. There was nothing she could do with the speed I was running at her. I was after all using OfA at 42%. Once I was close I jumped into the air and readied the scythe in order to cut her chest. She had no chance in running. However, the cut I gave her was not meant to get her out of the game at all. It was made purposely in a way that Recovery Girl would not call her out.

Tokage: AHHHH!

Me: Awww. This is only the beginning!

Once I cut her I quickly got behind her and was to cut her back if not for the fact that I just saw Bodo in the abandoned building and aiming at Hawks. Seeing that if he gets hit with the sticky stuff he wouldn't be able to use his quick, I quickly jumped back.

Next I began running towards Tokage and then threw the scythe at the person in the window that was currently leaning out of the window.

So they had a backup plan too?!

You will wish you never were there buddy!

The scream that followed and the notification was all I needed as confirmation that I just hit him with my scythe in the shoulder. I knew that for a fact since he fell out of the window and landed only 1 meter behind Hawks.

My partner turned around to look at the person that just landed behind him. I however couldn't have that.


I am USAGI! (UA Hero/Villain Civil War Game)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя