Chapter 11: Part of the Team II

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Robin's POV

Link established. Miss. Martian announced into my head suddenly.

Should you really be giving us orders? And should you really be following them? Artemis asked skeptically.

Listen. Please. Aqualad said gravely.

Oh good, Aqualad's voice in my head. I've so missed that. Kid Flash said sarcastically.

I couldn't agree more.

Hey, Kaldur! We were attacked by giant vultures! But I guess since you think we're moles, you probably think we attacked ourselves. I said snarkily.

If he did, he wouldn't tell you. Artemis said.

Hey Superboy. Are you online or just pouting? Miss. Martain asked.

Busy. Call back later. He said curtly, ejecting emotions of strain through his link before blocking himself off.

Hey, what gets me, is how nonchalant he is about not telling us. Kid Flash said and I nodded, angry.

We continued to complain about Kaldur keeping the mole thing from us animatedly, before Kaldur spoke again.

Enough. Captain Marvel (/Shazam) and Sharp have been captured and we must act as a team to save them.

Huh, under your leadership? I don't think so. Kid Flash scoffed.

This is not up for debate. You all chose me for leader, when the mission is over, you may chose a new leader and I will happily step down. But until that time, I am in comand here. He said confidently.

I looked at Kid Flash, eyes wide. We slowly nodded.

So what's the plan?

We meet up at their base of operations. I have eyes on a set of tracks, Robin will track me from the comms and Miss. Martian can find me telepathically. Then we will break our friends free. He said.

I nodded and got to work on locating him through the comms, within seconds, I had his moving location blinking north of us on my radar.

Kid Flash scooped me up and ran north, where we found Aqualad. Miss. Martian and Artemis turning up seconds later.

The building looked guarded heavily, but electronically.

I'll fly over. Miss. Martian said.

Negative. There is a forcefield. An unknown female voice said.

Sharp? I asked, glancing up from my wrist computer.

Unfortunately. Miss. Martian put me into the link, I've been trying to ignore it.

Are you and Captain Marvel okay? Aqualad asked.

I'm fine, but I'm pretty sure this creepy brain dude and the giant gorilla want to chop him open and look at his salamander or something. She said.

The brain is here? Artemis asked.

No time to focus on that. We need to get inside quickly. Robin? Aqualad asked.

A shock should open a temporary hole. He said.

I see an opening. Artemis announced.

Then be ready. All of you. Aqualad said before jumping down and electrocuting the forcefield.

A small hole opened up and an arrow flew through it quiclkly, hitting a small red button. The forcefield went down quietly.

We ran down the slope to the building. I spotted movement above and looked, seeing a collared monkey.

Off The GridTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon