With my man

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Janet POV: we are finally going home and we are on plane I'm very scared
Zach: hey are you scared
Janet; no bitch I'm a whole women why would I be scared of a damn plane (me and Zach are friends) 😉
Zach: damn bitch aggressive much
Janet: bitch please your dad is aggressive in the bed 😂😂
Zach:dude wtf you slept with my dad
Janet: oh shit I didn't mean to say that my bad hahahah he was good tho lmao tbh 😂🤤😩😩😍
Zach: yeah i froget to tell you this I slept with your mom and she had a baby but she had a abortion
Janet: bitch you think I care my mom had been a hoe her whole life I'm not fazed
Zach: okay bitch that's why I'm going to kill you in your damn sleep hoe
Janet: try me bitch
Zach: I already did 🤤🤤
Janet: bitch I will crash this damn plane don't fucking say that
Zach: lmao do it I'm not scared of you
Janet: yes you are stopping lieing
Zach: sparkles and champagne vip my section Janet looking sexy you know that be my bae
Pilot: this plane is now going to crash cause someone sang a fucking ugly ass song
                                     THE END

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