Part 4

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When anya finished telling them. They all had to keep there anger in control and there magic.

Emory:"How they fuck are we going to control clarke?... thats her baby. We lost her baby... Do You realize she could be dead?. She only 6"

Then emory broke down and started to cry on the floor.

Some tears fell down anya face by the Scene she just witnessed. Her heart broke into millions of peaces..

Anya went up to emory. And went on her knees and lifted her head up. Emory looked at anya with tears and pain in her eyes.

Anya:"pls dont cry... thats why i send natasha to look for her. She undercover in a diffrent pack to hopfully get answers. Danielle can't be dead.  She's a twin. If she were dead. Madi would be dead"

Monty went up to emory and stood her up. Anya then stood up after.

Raven:"anya's right. She can't be dead. When they stabbed alicia. We all fight soo hard to keep her alive. Because if she did die. Lexa would to"


When they all calmed down.
Anya went and opened clarkes coffin. And woke her up..


Yelena:"are u sure your fine?"

Natalie:"yes i'm alright.. thanks for the help lauren"

Lauren:"yeah no Problem"

Then there was a knock on the door.
Nat:"Come in!!"

Wanda then came in the room and went straight to natalie

Wanda:"Omg... babe are you okay. They told me what happend"

Wanda said wail touching her face trying to see for more Damages.

Natalie grabbed her hands and pulled her in for a kiss.

Nat:"I'm fine. Hope had my back"

Wanda:"good. Because i was about to rip his head off"

Wanda gave natalie a kiss on the lips. then sat in Between her legs playing with natalies fingers.

Nat:"so can u guys tell me what happend in the meeting i missed?"


When clarke drank all her water she looked around.

Clarke:"How long have we been in these coffins for?"

Anya:"haha. Forgot to tell natasha that before she left"

Anya said getting nervouse about telling clarke the news.

Clarke:"its fine. You guys wake up the rest of the pack.  I'll go awake up my babys"

Raven then quickly said.

Raven:"ummm. Clarke. Can we all just talk to u for 1 second please"

Raven said with her hand rubbing the back of her neck.

Clarke:"Raven?.. what.. happend?"

Raven then answers clarke wail rubbing her neck and hair at the same time

Raven:"What makes you think. Something happend?"

Raven laughed.

Clarke:"everytime you rub your neck and hair wail taking to someone.. it always means something bad happend... so once again.... what... Happend"

Raven then told clarke everything really fast.  Not wanting to mess with her...

Clarke then fell to her knees with one hand on her mouth and the other on her Stomach. And started to cry..

Everyone that was awake had tears in there eyes wail looking at clarke cry. Becuase the twins were the first childern in  the pack. And everyone grew very attached to them..

Clarke:"My baby"
Clarke got up mad and started to punch anya on the chest.

Clarke:"u had one job... ONE job... to protect them.. NOW MY baby is gone... you lier.. you lied to mee. Lier. Lier lier"

Anya then huged clarke. Clarke tryed to get away but anya didn't let her

Anya:"I'm soo sorry. I failed u... and i will never forgive my self.... and i will spend the rest of my life looking for her
Even if it killed me"

Clarke sniffed and huged anya back..

Clarke:"i need my daughter.....p-please... i n-n-need her"

Anya then told raven or someone to go wake up madi and bring her to clarke..

Once they woke the child up.. emory got her out of the coffin and sat her on the floor.
Harper then pointed to were clarke was.

Madi said Confused clarke pulled away and turned to look at madi.

And when madi saw her mother she smilled really big and ran to her with opend arms.


Madi crashed into clarke smiling.

Clarke sat down on the floor holding madi for her dear life. She felt that if she let go. She would lose her as well...

Monty:"should we wake up the rest?"

Monty said wispering to anya.

Anya:"yes. But not the big 3. Not yet... and tell them on what happend. In a diffrent Corner. where clarke's not there... let her be at peace with madi for now"



Lauren:" So Apparently Hopes family went into this huge war with a diffrent pack"

Yelena:"they wanted to be more powerful then the mikealsons so they were going to steal there power"

Lauren:"They almost did win. But they put them in coffins before they could. But they missed one"

Yelena:" So the plan is that klaus and his siblings are going to cheak out if they are still in the coffins and kill them once and for all"

Natasha got angy on the inside not only did klaus say the story wrong. But they are out to kill them so they found a away to kill them already. Which means they are in more danger. She had to tell anya and quick.

Natalie:"woow. I hope they get what they Deserve"

Wanda:"Yeah. U tell them bae"

Then a knock was heard in the room.
And soon the door opend.

Hope:"hey. Natalie. U ok"

Nat:"yeah. Thanks never better. If it went for u i wouldn't be here right know"

Then they all heard klaus yell at the entrence of the school.


Everyone came down the stairs  running and the rest of the pack came running from diffrent drections.

Hope:"What!!! What happend!!"

Freya:"We need to put a barriel spell around the school and NOW!!!"

Hope:"What Why?!!"

Rebekah:"the coffins aren't there anymore and could have escaped"

Camila:"I dont get u guys. Why are u guys soo scared?. You bet them before. U can do it again"

Natasha in her mind:"because they told the story wrong. And they know they cant bet us"


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