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"TO KEEP YOU UPDATED on the current circumstances, I'm still creating as many of these recordings as quickly as possible since we are being pressed by outside events that may expose our plan. Once exposed, there will be no message. Again, if you received this message, that's a good thing because it indicates we executed the final signal before expiring. As indicated before, I may talk fast, run on, run out of energy, and disgorge jumbled thoughts. No time to dally."

"The last topic covered our virulent creations. Next, I'll provide more color on the aftereffects of our democratization of that apocalyptic tech."

"Life changes in little increments over time. Imperceptible steps followed by nodding rationalizations. Disagreement draped in false logic and subtle propaganda. Things start out big and right and obvious, then they are fractured into unintended offshoots."

"Terrorists used planes as weapons earlier this century, and we created security infrastructures to protect against that. Domestic mass murderers used high-capacity weapons to kill, and we added more security. But we never removed the weapons of war from the little despots. Instead, we clothed our rationality in conversations on improving mental health, then threw pennies at that effort."

"When the Great Debacle devastated the planet and killed half the population, the switch was suddenly flipped to the other extreme. Nine billion ducks were initially in the water, none with the ability to fly away from the devastation. Amidst the anarchy of half of them dying instantly, the tech states resolutely took charge. It was so pervasive, it's hard for me to remember life before that time."

"The democratization of mass destruction was concurrent with the ubiquitous ability to accelerate the centralization of monitoring and control via advanced tech. The favorite tech for that today is drones."

"Drones of all sizes, even to those barely visible, miniature stealth drones. They fly at all heights, peering through your windows day and night, keeping track of you. They're ensuring you are conforming and not in your basement concocting the next societal cataclysm."

"Every drone connects to the AI gods in the clouds, the series of interconnected networks run by the oligarchic demigod machines and their favored industries and industrialists. They spend their cycles actively processing these ever-compounding accumulation of inputs."

"Imagine ten drones monitoring your piddling, insignificant activities during the day and what that does to the burden of humanity. Envision the wastefulness of such a species. We are but bees, ever-focused on constructing a hive to defend against invasive wasps and too spent of energy to build honeycomb for the larvae."

"That description is the tip of the iceberg. Despite feigning the maintenance of the original U.S. Constitution, it has been maladapted and usurped by rationalizations that presumably exist to protect what remains of society. Every right that it once provided is now blunted in the name of safety for citizens and government. And we fall further into that endless vortex of fear and paranoia with each new adaptation of tech to hyper-enable our surveillance and control state."

"Yet I can't complain too much. I have no idea how many potential risks were eliminated in the last few decades. One or one billion? I'll never find out."

"But that iceberg is always shifting. Nanobots go unseen, gathering data from their sensors, relaying it back to the AI cloud. They're yellow-flagging and red-flagging and commanding follow-up by mechanized, super-human varints who may show unannounced at your doorstep in full metallic regalia. You'd feel blessed to have your limbs intact after such a meeting."

"Given emergency powers laws, a red flag supersedes any constitutional rights. With so many monitors pervading life, red flags spring up daily in our little gatherings of human domiciles like gnats in the garden. You'd need to turn every other citizen into a judge to grant the constitutional warrants required. As a result, warrants, fair trials of peers, and individual privacy have withered into the dustbins of history."

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