~Chapter 32~

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4 years later (Summer - June)

I am now 21 years old, about to turn 22 in July.

I'm out of college and so is the rest of my old gang.

I was back in Nevada with Chris for the summer and staying with the family until I found my own house

Chris and I continued dating throughout college.

"She whispered in my ear, baby come here, I'l-" I sang along with the radio before Wayne turned it off.

"Jayne, you're a mess." Wayne said.

"Gee, thanks." I rolled my eyes. "But explain, why am I a mess?"

"What happens when Tim visits?" Wayne said. "Huh? What will you do about Chris? Hide him in the trunk of your car? You know we all hate him. So why not wait for Tim?"

"Because I'm in love with Chris." I answered as Wayne parked the car.

"Get out." Wayne smirked.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Showing Sarah Belinda that maybe I was always in love with her." Wayne smirked.

"Oh, and I'm the mess?" I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. "Good luck."

"Hey Jaimelynn." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Don't 'hey' me." She growled.

"Gosh, I was just trying to be the best sister that I could possibly be and you growl at me. Thanks." I said, grabbing an apple.

"You're welcome, now go see your jackass of a boyfriend." She rolled her eyes.

"You were the one that told me that Tim and I wouldn't be together within these four years," I chuckled walking up the stairs.

"That's because I know something you didn't." I heard her mutter.

I walked into my room and saw Chris lying on my bed looking at apartments on my laptop.

"Hey Chrissss." I smiled.

"Hey Jayyyyyyne." He smiled. "I found you an apartment."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep. It's perfect." Chris showed me the photos.

It had one room, a small kitchen, a living room, and 2 bathrooms.

"Chris, it's great!" I exclaimed.

"It has to be the best if it's for you." Chris hugged me.

"You'll live with me too, you know that right?" I smiled.

"Yeah," Chris smirked. "I knew that."
"You're all moved in." Wayne said, after moving my bed for the 6th time. "Can I go now?"

"No," I studied the angle of my bed closely. "Move it to the left."

"My back is sore." Wayne whined.

"Suck it up."

"Fine." He moved the bed.

"Ehh, that'll do for now. Want a massage?" I asked Wayne.

"Yeah, but won't Chris get mad?" Wayne wiggled his eyebrows.

"You never grow up do you?" I rolled my eyes. "Take off your shirt."

"Jayne, I like you but not th-" Wayne started.

"Shut up, asshole." I slapped him. "I'll just get you some tylenol."

"Tim's coming into town next week." Wayne said as I handed him the tylenol. "Might wanna go hide Chris."

"What about me?"Chris said, bringing food. "Oh, I'm home."

"Really? I thought you were still out getting food." Wayne rolled his eyes. "What did you get?"

"Five Guys." Chris answered.

"Ooh, dud, hit me up." Wayne said, holding his hands up to catch the npburger that Chris was about to toss.

"Not until you tell me what you were talking about." Chris narrowed his eyes, as did Wayne.

I rolled my eyes and took the burger from Chris and put it in Wayne's hands. "Tim's coming to town next week."

"So your old gang is back in the old Nevada." Chris said, biting into a hamburger.

"Yeah, and you're not part of it." Wayne muttered.

"Wayne." I hissed.

"Excuse me?" Chris stood up.

"Chris." I whispered.

"You heard correctly. You're not 'us'." Wayne stood up.

"I'm one of you now." Chris said.

"Stop." I said.

"Oh really?" Wayne challenged, ignoring me.

"Jayne said she'd introduce me to them." Chris said.

"That's a lie." Wayne growled.

"Are you saying that you know my girlfriend better than I know her?" Chris sneered.

"Hell, yes, I do know her better." Wayne stepped closer to Chris. Wayne and Chris were the same height.

"You know her inside and out?" Chris stepped closer.

"Of course I do." Wayne narrowed his eyes.

"You know her birthdate?" Chris asked, and he took one step closer.

"We're practically twins." Wayne stepped closer. Chris clenched his fists.

"She knows that I love her more." Chris narrowed his eyes.

"That's debatable." Wayne smirked.

"Stop." I said forcefully, stepping in between them.

"I've known her since she was 19." Chris said.

"Shut up asshole, because I've known her since birth." Wayne smirked. They both took a step closer, but I was still in the middle of them.

"You're a dickhead, she's mine and she's not yours!" Chris shouted and swung his fist. Of course I was standing in the middle and I would have gotten hit.

Wayne swung me out of the way as quick as he could and blocked Chris's fist.

"Stop!" I shouted. "Why do you hate each other so much? Can't you see that I love you both? Why can't you pretend to like each other? Can you do that? Please? For me?"

They both blinked. "Jayne, I'm so sorry." Wayne said, hugging me.

Chris ran his fingers through his hair and said nothing. Then, he walked out of my apartment.

"He'll come around." I shrugged.

"Jayne," Wayne shookm his head. "You're so stupid sometimes. Think, I mean really think. Chris doesn't love you as much as Tim did."

"You know what Wayne? You're right." I sighed. "Chris loves me more."

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