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I'm honestly like fucking numb right now. I want to cry so I can at least feel SOMETHING other than nothing.

When you feel numb, nothing makes any sense. I FEEL when you are numb your fucking emotions are piling up so one night out of the blue you can have an emotional breakdown

Which I don't really want

But the way we look at each other is not like or lust it's something more

His eyes are so bright, how could his eyes ever fall in love with my brown ones?

My eyes are boring, just like me

His eyes are so electric, as he is

His eyes are not a drop of the ocean

His eyes are the ocean in a small drop

Like his eyes, I feel the same color.

Grey? Sure I feel grey but not really.

I feel numb but there is something more

I feel blue

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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