Chapter 39

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Xaviers POV

I was walking down stairs when I heard someone banging on the door. Did Elijah get drunk and lock himself out?.

"Dude, chill out" I said, opening the door.

"Move" Elijah said, pushing past me carrying Emery in his arm.

What is going on?.

"What happened to her?" I asked closing the door.

I watched as Elijah placed her down on the couch, and everyone came down stairs.

"What is Emery doing here?" Grace asked, sitting next to Emery on the couch.

"I need to tell you guys something, but you guys better stay calm" Elijah said looking at me.

"What is it?"Zara asked.

Elijah just looks at me like he's depending on telling me.

"Say it" I said, getting mad.

"She was raped," Elijah said.

What?. How?. When?. But most importantly who?.

"Elijah you better not be lying" I said.

"Why the fuck would I lie about something like that" he said.

"How do you know?" Grace asked.

"I was at the club and Isaac called me saying Emery was at the club and was drunk. I ended up seeing her, she wanted to see Xavier so I told her I'll bring her to see Xavier. On the way to the house she told me she was raped and fell asleep right after" he said.

How?. When?. Why?. Who could have done it?. Whoever it is better counts their days, because once I find out who they are I'm going to kill them.

"Xavier, calm down," Isaac said.

"I am," I said.

"Really cause it looks like you're about to punch someone" grace said looking at my fist.

I looked at my fist and she was right, my knuckles were even turning white. I released my first and took a breath.

"What are we going to do?" Zara asked, looking at Emery.

I looked at Emery and she passed out, with her mouth wide open. How does she manage to look cute while sleeping?.

"We need to find out who did it," I said.

"Who?" Isaac asked.

"We're going to have to ask her," Grace said.

"That explains why she didn't wanna see or talk to anyone for a week," Zara said.

After my match, I was looking for Emery but I didn't see her. I had asked Zane where she was and he just told me she just left during the match but didn't realize it till it ended. He said he end up seeing her going to the exit and kept yelling for her but she just ignored him. I was kinda hurt that she left because I was hoping to see her after I won that match. Wait, when Isaac was yelling for her she Ignored him, so it's either she didn't like the match, or something happened at the match.

"My match" I said.

I looked at them and they just looked up at me confused.

"What"Isaac asked.

"Zane told me he kept yelling for her cause he seen her running out the place cause she ran off during the match, so it's either she didn't like the match because it was to bloody and shit for her or-"

"She was raped at the match," Elijah said, cutting me off.

"Exactly" I said.

"How would we know for sure?" Zara asked.

"Wait for the security cameras," Grace said.


"We could check the cameras and see where she went and maybe find out who raped her," I said.

"Hopefully we find out who the person was," Grace said.

"She didn't deserve that," Zara said.

We all looked at Emery while she was sleeping, even though that sounds creepy. Emery started moving in her sleep and was breathing.

"S-stop please" Emery said, panting.

Wait, she's having a bad dream.

"She is having a bad dream," I said, waking her.

"Hey Emery, wake up" I said, shaking her a little.

She sat up and gasped for air and started to cry.

"Hey it's ok" I said, pushing her hair back.

"Xavier" she looked at me with tears in eyes.

"It's ok," I said, pulling her into my chest.

She had her face in my neck and was crying, I just held her in my arms and let her cry. It hurts me to see her like this.

"I'm going to pick you up and take you to my room ok"I said.

"O-ok"she said, holding me tight.

I picked Emery up and she has her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck with her face buried in my chest.

I walked up stairs and opened the door to my room, clans closed it with my foot.I placed her on the bed and she had fallen back to sleep. I moved the hair that was in her face and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm going to find out who did this to you" I whispered even though she can't hear me.

I walked out the room and went to my office and Isaac and Elijah there.

"I got the footage from that day at the match,"Isaac said sitting in my chair.

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