Small little oneshot That I thought was cute

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       (This oneshot would not leave my mind until written and it was too cute not to add to here)

             Ethan entered the living room looking for his boyfriend. Dinner was ready for everyone and it would be the first real meal for everyone for however long its been for them. Peering around, he noticed Karl asleep on the couch with the TV playing Disney's Alice in Wonderland. Leaning over and getting ready to wake him up before freezing. Tim, Tom and Lloyd were all laying against him, sleeping soundly with Manny curled around Neil laying on the blanket covered floor also asleep. A small smile crossed his lips as he kissed Karl on the cheek before heading back to the kitchen, Dinner could wait till after their nap. 

My random Fandoms oneshots, Headcannons and AU ideasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें