Twenty Two

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Three days before the wedding

Bucky & Steve went to go pick up their suits.
"Wanda", Celina calls from the bathroom. She rushes in.
"What's wrong?" Celina brushes her teeth.
"I need you to drive me to my doctor's office. I think I have food poisoning."
"Why do you think that?", she asks.

"Yesterday, I heated up my leftover Thai food & I haven't been able to keep anything down." Wanda nods.
"Yeah, I can take you right now." Celina grabs her purse & they head out. Not long after, they arrive & check in. Wanda waits with her.

"Do you want me to go in the exam room with you?", she asks. Celina smiles.
"No, it's ok. I appreciate it. I'm sorry for dragging you down here with me." Wanda smiles.
"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Celina Garcia?", the nurse calls out. Celina stands up.
"Come with me please. Right this way." She follows the nurse into an exam room. Takes her weight, height & vitals. The nurse asks her what she is coming in for. Celina tries to explain but she begins to throw up in the trash can.

She apologizes to the nurse. She replies smiling, "It's totally fine." Celina is given tissues to clean her mouth as well as some mint gum. The nurse passes her a plastic cup & tells Celina they need a urine sample. Celina takes it & walks into the bathroom. She fills the cup halfway & hands it to the nurse. The nurse takes her the exam room to wait for the doctor.

About ten minutes, the doctor comes in & does an assessment. The results are given to the doctor. She looks over the file.
"Celina, we have found the cause of your vomiting. As it turns out, you're pregnant."

Celina is stunned

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Celina is stunned. Completely speechless.

"What? How?", Celina asks. The doctor chuckles.
"I think you're old enough to know how babies are made", she says.

"No. Dr. Grisham, you know about my injection with the failed serum. I was told I was infertile. How is this possible?" Dr. Grisham sits down & holds her hand.
"I am not saying that they lied to you but I don't believe a real professional evaluated you." Celina looks up at her.

"But I've been unprotected for years with two different men & now I'm pregnant?"
"Celina, I know this comes as a shock but there is a thing called fate. Maybe your resulted pregnancy was supposed to be with your fiancé." Dr. Grisham gets up to do an ultrasound. Celina hears the baby's heartbeat.

"You are eight weeks exactly. You're due date is December 13th. I will print these images for you so you can take them home." Celina tears up from the shock, happiness & excitement. Dr. Grisham leaves & comes back a few minutes later. She hands Celina the photos & gives her prenatal vitamins.

"Make sure to drink ginger tea or chamomile tea to ease the morning sickness. There are also some pregnancy teas you can find at your local pharmacy." They leave the room & Dr. Grisham sets up another appointment. Celina leaves soon after. Wanda looks up at her. Celina has a serious face, she sits down. Wanda is unsure what to say.

"We need to go. I'll tell you in the car." They rush out of the office & into the car.
"I'm pregnant", Celina says.
"But I thought you said.."

"I thought so too but Dr. Grisham proved a good point. The man who injected me wasn't a healthcare professional like she is so he probably didn't know what he was looking at." Wanda gets excited.

"Oh my god. Celina, congratulations. When are you going to tell Bucky?", she asks happily. Celina is lost for words.
"I don't, I don't know. Oh my god, Wanda what if he's not happy about the news?", she asks sadly. Wanda hugs her, rubbing her back.

"You don't know how he'll react unless you tell him

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"You don't know how he'll react unless you tell him. I'm sure he's going to be thrilled." They pull apart.

Wanda drives them back to the house as Celina tells her what transpired. Wanda tells her she can make her some tea to help with her vomiting. They arrive at the house & park. Getting out, they see Bucky & Steve. She whispers to Wanda, "Don't tell him anything, please."

"Hey doll, did you go to the doctors?", he asks. She fake smiles & nods.
"Yup. She said to drink some tea to help relieve it." He smiles kissing her.

"Good. Let's get in." The four of them walk into the house. The men head upstairs as the girls head to the kitchen. Wanda makes Celina some tea & Celina shows her the sonogram.

"Oh my god, Celina. The baby is precious." She smiles & hands the photo back. Celina stares at it, finally smiling. She looks up.

"That's my baby. Bucky's going to be a daddy." She smiles as a happy tear falls. Wanda & Celina hug. Celina wipes her tear as she hears the men heading downstairs. She puts the photo away in her purse.

Wanda pours her a cup & hands it to her. Celina sips it when the men walk into the kitchen.

"So doll, the four of us will be decorating the backyard the day before. I need you to call the caterers & we can go pick up the goodie bags. Sound good?" She sips her tea.

"Sounds good, Buck! I can't wait!", she says happily. The guys go in the living room & watch baseball. Wanda sits by Celina.
"I got the best way to tell him. I'm going to tell him during the reception", she smiles. Wanda gets excited.

"Yes! That's a great idea", Wanda says hugging her. They pull apart.
"Thank you for being here & coming with me. I never had any siblings but I see you like a sister." Wanda is touched. She smiles.

"That means alot to me. I only had a brother, as you know. When our parents died all we had was each other & times were hard. But when he died, I was so devastated. But now I have another sibling. That what you are to me too." They hug once more. The four of them spend the whole day hanging out together while Celina catches up on work.

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