(178): Cold

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Sorry I haven't been updating. Aside from some killer writer's block, I've been pretty down lately. I'll get back on track.

Here's a Wasabi x Reader I thought of.
If you're still waiting on your request, just hold on. I'm trying.


You step into the warm shelter of the SFIT labs. Snowflakes flutter in behind you. They hit the tiles and melt into small puddles. As you make your way to Wasabi's lab, your boots squeak a little on the floor. You walk through the doorway.

"Hey, Wasabi," You say. You boyfriend stands over his table. He adjusts his goggles and smiles at you.

"Hello, ___. Is it snowing?"

"Yeah," You breathe. You remove your gloves and hat. "It's like a blizzard out there."

"Hm," He hums, obviously distracted by his work. You smile at him.

"What are you working on?" You ask.

"More lasers, of course."


"Prepare to be amazed," He says. He tosses an apple to you. It's sliced into paper thin slices.

"Wow," You gasp. "This is amazing!"

"Thank you," He says proudly. "I'll show you what the lasers look like." He pulls lever. Instead of seeing the lasers, you find yourself staring in pure black as the lights go out. People gasp and shout.

Someone in the back of the labs screams, "We lost all power!"

"Hang on," A professor warns. "Everyone stay where you are. We'll turn it back on momentarily."

Wasabi sighs. "Perfect. I think I have a flashlight here, somewhere." You hear him shuffling through his desk. "Here it is." The light turns on with a click.

"How long do you think this will take?" You ask.

"Depends on how serious it is. If we blew a fuse, not that long. Now if it's because of the snow, well. . ."

A voice booms over the intercom. "The power outage is due to inclement weather. We'll try to get the power back as soon as possible. Sit tight, students."

"Well, there's our answer." Wasabi shakes his head.

You shiver and pull your arms against your chest. Since the power is out, the heat is out as well.

"Are you cold?" Wasabi asks.

You smile. "A little."

He sets the flashlight down on his desk. He pulls you against him, wrapping his arms around you. He lays his cheek on the top of your head. You shiver again and press your cold face against his sweater.

"Better?" He asks.

"Yeah," You sigh. "Thanks."

He laughs quietly. The two of you spend the next thirty minutes, standing there. He never pulls away, nor do you.

Then, the lights flicker back on. The heaters rumble to life. Everyone cheers and claps. Wasabi pulls away a little. You grab his arm and pull him back.

"What?" He asks. "The heat's back on now."

"But I'm still cold!"

"But I have to get back to work, ___."

"But I love you," You whine.

Wasabi sighs. "Alright, alright." You smile and hug him tighter. "And I love you, too."

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