❦Chapter 12❦

En başından başla

I didn't bother to knock as I barged in, and found him sitting atop of his made up bed, reading.

"Hello, darling." He spoke without looking up.

"Cut the crap, you greasy weasel." I smirked as I saw his brow raise.

"I have not the slightest clue what you mean, dearest." He kept up his facade, but I saw right through it.

"Alright. I'll make it easy for you. 1, When were you going to tell me that you were making me attend the ball? And 2, where is my sister?" I put my hands on my hips as I stayed planted in the middle of his room.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, love, but I see that my mother has spoiled it....and your sister is in the stables." He finally looked up, placing his book to the side and standing up from the bed.

"Well, she didn't directly.....she said that it was one of her sons, so I just assumed. And Thor is bringing Faline...so unless she has another son that neither of us know about......." I shrugged and smiled as he came closer.

"Did you see the tailor already?" He placed his large hands on my hips once he reached me.

"Yes.....though he didn't show me what the final dress was going to look like." I furrowed my brows at him, and his smile grew.

"That is the point, my sweet
(Y/n)." He tucked a (h/c) lock behind my ear.

I squinted at him playfully, but leaned into the hand that he placed on my cheek.

"I'd love to stay and stare at you all day, but I've got a sister to scold." I smiled widely and skipped out of the room, hearing his faint chuckle come from the still opened door.


"Falineeeeee!!" I drug out in a scolding tone as I saw the top of her head in one of the stables.

"Yes....?" She spoke innocently as she ran a curry comb(1) through Bezos' coat.

"You know exactly the matter. Don't play dumb." I smirked, and she put down the comb, her smile sly.

"Listen, (Y/n), Loki wanted it to be a surprise." She shrugged as she felt around for the soft brush(2), and I handed it to her.

"Why would he want it to be a surprise?" I thought aloud, as only the sound of bristles against a thick coat of horse hair could be heard.

Faline remained silent, which made me suspicious that she was hiding something.

"Why would be want it to be a surprise, Faline?" I repeated my question again, hoping she'd crack.

"That's none of my business." She picked up all of her grooming supplies, and left a happy looking Bezos to rest in his stall filled to the brim with wood shavings.

I furrowed my brows at her retreating form, her not even feeling out in front of her, since she'd done this so many times.


Before I knew it, there were maids, cooks, and many others rushing around like mad to get ready in time for the celebration ball. Frigga had been keeping me busy, and I only barley managed to sneak visits in with Faline during the day, and of course I'd see her every night. Loki, however, I haven't seen for more than a few minutes since that day at the tailors.

When ever we did happen to see each other, he was quick to distribute some type of affection, making this strange feeling in my chest grow like a wildfire.

As of now, the ball is tomorrow night, and Frigga has been informed that our dresses have been finished, but they will not be revealed to us until the day of the ball. I was giddily exited to see my dress, along with what the tailor had made up for Faline and Frigga.

I was done with my duties for the day, and just wanted some peace and quiet. I trudged my way tot he library, and plopped down with a children's story book, one that I could read fluently. I was nodding off, when I felt the small couch dip beside me under someone's weight, and I was happily surprised to see Loki sitting next to me.

"Greetings, my darling." He greeted me with a smile, and had a book of his own in his hand.

"Hi." I spoke through a yawn, turning back to my book with half-lidded eyes.

Not a word was spoken as we read silently, me scooting closer to Loki every minute or so. Once I was squished up against him, only then did I put down my book and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Tired?" He spoke with concern, glancing over at my slumped form.

"Very much so. Frigga has been running me like mad these past couple of days." I rubbed my eyes to try to keep them open.

"Well then let me escort you to your chambers." He spoke sincerely, putting his book down and taking my hand, leading me to the hallway where my room was.


Once I entered my chambers, I was not the least bit surprised to see Faline asleep in my bed. I quickly and silently went through my nightly routine, and crawled into bed beside her.

She had her own bed not even ten feet away, but most nights she slept in bed with me, something we'd done occasionally since she was small. It didn't take long for my body to completely relax, and before I knew it, the gates of dreamland had opened up before me.


(1) a curry comb is a metal comb that brushes out heavy dirt and excess hair from a horse's coat, and no, it does not hurt them, most enjoy being brushed.

(2) A soft-bristle brush is exactly what it sounds like

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(2) A soft-bristle brush is exactly what it sounds like. A brush with "soft" bristles, to brush away the excess horse hair and dust that maybe the curry comb didn't get.

(I added these foot notes in particular for all of you that maybe haven't ever groomed a horse before or seen it done

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(I added these foot notes in particular for all of you that maybe haven't ever groomed a horse before or seen it done.)

❦𝗪𝗲 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝗕𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲❦Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin