Chapter 1

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Although it was beautiful outside the 126 the heat and the humidity made it an unbearable day for the firefighters and paramedics. Calls came here and there. Per the usual the 126 was called out to car wrecks, a house fire, and a kid stuck in a tree, who obviously could have gotten down himself. The kid just wanted to see the firetrucks. Whenever they weren't on a call they did anything they could do to stay cool.
The firefighters and paramedics were sitting around the table playing a game of UNO during downtime. Laughter and the sound of cards slamming on the table filled the kitchen. A pile of UNO cards sat in the middle of table. Around the table sat Judd, Mateo, Marjan, Paul, Nancy, and TK. As Nancy was taking her turn the bells went off interrupting the game.

"Let it be known I was winning, so when we come back y'all can't cheat. Got it Paul."  Mateo pointed to Paul with the biggest grin.
"I didn't even say nothing." Paul gasped making the rest of the crew let out a giggle.
"Apparently you didn't have too." Marjan laughed.

Grace's calm voice came across the radio informing Captain Strand and the rest the address to go to and what the situation was. "Copy that dispatch." Captain Strand replied. As the firetrucks were pulling up to the house Judd kept eyeing the house. "Yo, I think I know this place." Everyone looked out the window. "You been here before?" Paul asked. "Maybe. It just looks familiar." The truck stopped and everyone got out. Cap gave the orders, everyone went on their way. Judd stood there observing. The house that was burning brought back a memory from when he was a teenager. He knew the house however, he couldn't pinpoint what he knew about it.

"Judd come on!" Marjan yelled "Yeah. I'm coming."

Each firefighter entered the house looking for any sign of life while being cautious. They searched room to room. Calling out for anyone to yell for help. Paul found one body already deceased. Marjan and Judd found another body in the next room. Marjan checked for a pulse. "I got a pulse. She's alive!" Judd carried the girl out the house and to the ambulance where Nancy, TK, and Tommy waited. As Judd laid her on the stretcher he caught a look at her face. The answer as to why the house looked familiar laid in front of him.

"Addie.." Judd mumbled.
"Wait you know her?" TK asked.
"Yeah. That's uh that's my cousin.." He replied.
"We will take good care of her." Tommy said

Judd watched the ambulance drive away. He went back to working the fire but his mind kept wondering to his cousin. "Judd are you okay?" Paul asked. "That girl Marjan and me pulled out, she's my cousin. I didn't even know she was back." Cap overhearing what was said told Judd as soon as they return to the firehouse to go be with his cousin at the hospital. Before finishing Judd sent Grace a quick text.

Judd drove to the hospital. He tried to get a hold of his Uncle Cash but there was no answer. "Dammit Uncle Cash answer you're phone." Judd muttered. He walked in the hospital up to the front desk.

"What can I help you with?"

Judd looked around, "Addalyn Ryder. She was brought in by ambulance." The lady looked at her screen then back at Judd. "Are you family?" Judd told her and then was told what room to go to. He walked down the hallway looking for the room number he was given.  "There it is." He knocked on the room. "Come in." A nurse said. Judd saw Addie lying in the bed. "H-How is she?" He quietly asked. "Besides a little smoke inhalation and a broken wrist, she's going to be okay. She should wake soon." The nurse informed him then walked out. Judd grabbed a chair and scooted it close to the bed. Several thoughts crossed his mind as he sat there.
An hour had passed by, Addie was still asleep. Judd had dozed off.

"Judd. Judd, babe wake up." Grace's voice and soft shove woke him out of his sleep. "Did something happen?"
"No. She'a still asleep. How long was you out?"
"Not long. I guess I fell asleep waiting on her to wake up." Judd replied.
Grace sat in Judd's lap. "You know I remember the first time I met her. She was something else."
"She's a Ryder." Judd chuckled.
"I guess that's a family thing."
"You love me anyways." Judd smiled.
"I do. I do love you."

The crew from the 126 showed up at the hospital. They sat in the waiting room so they wouldn't crowd the room. Even though they didn't know Addie they wanted to be there for Judd. A few minutes later Judd and Grace came out of the room and into the waiting room. Everyone stood up and gathered.

"How's your cousin?" Mateo asked.
"She's good. Just waiting on her to wake up. She got lucky."
"That's good." Marjan said.
"Judd, I'm glad she's okay, but I have to tell you this. That house fire your cousin was in was arson." Cap informed.
"Cap, I know my cousin was and maybe still is a rebel child but she didn't start it."
"I'm not saying she did but it doesn't look good considering someone is dead."

Judd and Grace returned to the room. Addie was awake and alert. Addie, Judd, and Grace discussed what happened, however Addie kept some information to the story to herself. She was back in town for a reason she couldn't or wouldn't dare say. Truth is Addie had gotten herself into some trouble, the kind of trouble that she didn't want Judd and Grace to know or be involved.

"Y'all don't have to worry. I'm fine. I'm not sure what happened or how the fire started." Addie said softly.
Someone Judd knew she wasn't telling the full truth but he wouldn't push it. He grabbed Grace's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Do you have somewhere to stay when you get discharged?" Grace asked. "I'm going to Dad's. I'll Uber a ride." Addie said. "Addie I'll take you." Judd insisted. "No, I'll just call Dad. He will come."

Grace and Judd returned home from the hospital. Judd was quite the whole way home. They went inside their home and Judd headed straight to the coach and sat down. Grace came and sat beside him and leaned into his arms. Judd wrapped his arms around her. "She's lying." Judd fumed. "I know she didn't set that fire but she's lying about something else and I don't know what it is." He continued. "Do you think she's going to Uncle Cash's." Grace asked. "No. No she's not and I finally got a hold of Uncle Cash. He's in Nashville." Judd sighed. Judd kissed Grace on her head and got up.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." He said.
He kissed Grace on the lips then left the room. Grace watched as left the room.

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