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- Thank you very much Rose, how much do I owe you ?

- Nothing ..."

Suddenly Jasmine run behind a tree, throw up

Rose comes next to her, holding her beautiful black hair back and rubbing her back

"I'm sorry ...

- You don't have to be sorry Jaz, you want me to stay with you during the rodeo just in case ?"

Jasmine nodded 

A few minutes later the rodeo started and the show was impressive

Jasmine, Rose as well as the rest of the audience were in awe of Dally and Buck's prowess

Many of the girls in the audience were cheering on Dally and seemed hypnotized by him, which made Jasmine extremely jealous 

Finally after the rodeo was over, Jasmine went to join Dally, throwing herself into his arms and congratulating him "Congratulations cowboy !! You were amazing !"

Dally smiled at the nickname given to him by the love of his life 

"Thank you, doll, I'm glad you liked it"

Suddenly Buck called Dally, asking him to join him

"Wait for me I'm coming back"

Jasmine nodded and Dally kissed her before joining Buck

"It was a beautiful show, wasn't it ?" Asked a female voice behind Jasmine

The young girl turned around and saw a dark-haired girl, extremely make-up, vulgarly dressed and smoking a cigarette looking at her

"You seem to be a nice girl, beware and stay away from Dallas Winston, he's going to use you, lie to you, hurt you, cheat on you and throw you away when he doesn't need you anymore, believe me, I know what I'm talking about !"  

Jasmine looked at the girl suspiciously "Who are you ?

- WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE ?" Yelled Dally, causing Jasmine to jump

She had never seen him so angry

"I came to see the rodeo, I have the right !!" Cried the dark-haired girl

"I TOLD YOU THAT I NEVER WANTED TO SEE YOU AGAIN SO GET OUT OF THERE !!! NEVER TALK TO MY WIFE AGAIN AND NEVER COME TO HER AGAIN !!!" Yelled Dally, before taking Jasmine by the hand and leading her away from the dark-haired girl

"Dally, what's going on ?" Asked Jasmine confused

- What did she tell you ?" Asked Dally brutally

Jasmine was a little scared "She told me that I had to beware and get away from you because you are going to hurt me, lie to me and cheat on me before throwing me when I'm no longer useful to you ...

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang