🌺17.🌺 Birthday #2

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Irene: hey


Soon the waiter came back and took our orders. Me and look goofed around silently while Mr. Kim and our parents were talking. Taehyung stayed quiet, once in a while glancing at me and kook. Irene on the other hand tried to gain tae's attention, but she only resieved short and cold replies.

Waitress: and here you go
//she placed our foods down. I pout, noticing they didn't get my other right.. But i didn't want her to feel bad, so i will stick with what i got//

Taehyung: excuse me? You got her order wrong

Y/n: n-no i-
//he slortly glared at me//

Waitress: oh, i'm so sorry, miss.. I will get a new one for you in a minute
//she took the food away, rushing out//

Y/n: why didn't you do that?
//i whisper//

Taehyung: was that what you ordered?

Y/n: n-no.. But it would have been fine

Taehyung: it's their job to get it right. Now don't whine
//i sulk, folding my arms//

In a minute my right order came.

Waitress: i'm so sorry for the inconvience. I hope you enjoy~
//she bowed, leaving our VIP room//

I glance up at taehyung, he had fastly look away from me to his plate. I huff, then just starting to eat my food.

~after dinner~

We had exited the restaurant after we ate. The nice breeze hit my skin softly, it was nice and cool after being at the warm restaurant.

Mr. Kim: well it was a nice evening

Dad: it sure was

Mr. Kim: i think we'll see again when it's the Wedding?

Dad: i think so too

(sorry for the short Part)

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