"I'm fine. I really should be asking you how you are. You took a pretty nasty fall." I reasoned and he waved his hand dismissively.

"I'm quite alright. I've already had mother heal what little bruising there was." He helped me up and we joined the group.

The King announced that it was no longer safe to be here, and that we should head back to the safety of the palace walls. We all agreed and I approached the Queen.

"Are you alright, your majesty?" I helped her onto her horse and she nodded gratefully.

"You were very brave out there, (Y/n), and please, call me Frigga." She smiled kindly and I beamed up at her.

"Thank you......and sorry about your sword......" I trailed off as I presented the sword covered in hellhound blood.

"I'd rather you bloody up my sword than be left defenseless." She spoke while I sheathed her sword in its rightful place, patting her horse's neck, and making my way back to my steed.

I climbed up onto my horse, and my soul almost left my body when I felt another person hoisting themselves up in the saddle with me. I moved my feet from the stirrups, letting them have them.

"Well are you going to go, or not?" I recognized the person pressed up against me immediately, Loki.

"Y-yes." I stuttered as he wrapped his arms around my middle to hold on.

He pressed his heels into the horse and we started off behind the group that was already a good ways ahead of us. Before we could catch up fully, Loki reached around and took the reigns from me, veering the horse off to the side, off of the path.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I now held onto his one arm around me for stability.

"I saw my horse trot off this way. He couldn't have gotten far." He spoke in my ear and I fought to suppress a shiver.

I kept my eyes peeled for Loki's steed, but we came up empty. It was starting to get dark when I took the liberty of deeming the search hopeless.

𒊹︎Loki's POV𒊹︎

When I told (Y/n) that my horse had gone this way, I may have used my silver tongue. Yes, my horse did in fact run this way, but it would not be grazing like any other horse. I've trained my horse so that it would return back to the stables of Asgard if I happened to ever lose it.

I never thought that I'd be so content with having another being so close to me, but I found her presence comforting in a way. We rode together, her clinging to me, and her back pressed against my front in the small saddle for quite some time, before she said that the search was hopeless, letting out a large yawn shortly after.

I directed her horse back to the castle, and prepared myself for the lengthy ride back. When we had gotten back onto the path, I felt (Y/n) go limp in my arms. I had to tighten my hold on her to keep her from slouching over the saddle horn.

I let go of the horse's reigns once it showed that it would follow the path without me assisting it. I then wrapped both arms around the woman in front of me as her head lolled to the side, landing softly on my shoulder.

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