
The duo made their way outside as more students made their way into the school. Brigitte sat on the sidewalk next to the bike while Genji stood. Before long a brunette wearing an orange hoodie and tights walked up. "Hey love! Thanks" she said as Brigitte gave her the keys and as Genji looked over he realized it was Tracer. "Tracer this is yours?" he asked in amazement She looked at Genji only now realising he was there. "Oh! Yeah you like it" she asked. Brigitte looked over, "You know her?", "yeah she's a friend" he responded. They talked for a while, mainly about how Tracer first started to ride. They talked until the warning bell rang. Genji and Tracer said goodbye to Brigitte before they started towards class.

The class was collectively relieved to know that Honzo had been sent to a different class. The class went normal, Tracer even talked to Mei inbetween the lectures. After Biology Genji and her met up again, They got lunch, Tracer a slice of pizza, chips, and an energy drink while Genji picked up a banana and milk. They started walking, deciding to eat in the gym. The gym was spotless, not to mention huge. Almost as big as a football field, a few other people were eating there but there were multiple people practicing on the court. There was the basketball team filled with lanky guys and girls shooting free throws, A track team running laps, and a gymnastics team with a performance long beam. They snuck around the side to the bleachers and took a seat and watched the teams. "So Genji do they practice here everyday?" Tracer asked, biting into her pizza. Genji peeled his banna and said "Nah this is a showcase, All of the big tryouts are coming up" Tracer watched the track team, all of them seemed to be having fun, "This reminds me of my track days" Tracer said eating the last bite of crust. Genji bumped her shoulder "Try out!" Tracer considered it for a second "I don't know" she stuttered. Genji stood up and put his hand to his mouth "LUCIO!" He shouted. A man from the track team stopped and looked over "GENJI" . He shouted back at him. He was a black man with dreads, and was wearing roller skates. He skated towards the bleachers and was able to masterfully maneuver up the stairs. They quickly hugged as Lucio said "Man, am I glad to see you, I need to give you these!" he said, giving Genji Two green tickets. "I have a Halloween concert and wanted to see you there!" Genji took the tickets and looked them over "You've hit the big time!" Genji exclaimed "Congratulations!" He said. Lucio brushed it off, "Man it was just hard work and some support from my biggest fan!" Genji laughed. "Hey, I want to introduce you to my friend," Genji said, pointing at tracer. Lucio looked over, "Hey! Nice to meet you!" he shook her hand with a smile. Tracer shook back "Same here love!" she responded. Genji tapped Lucio "She wants to join the track team" Tracer shot him a look before Lucio gasped in glee "That's great! We actually need another man!" Lucio took a second "My bad,Woman" he corrected. "Yeah well I ran track in high school, and I really need something to do after school" Lucio nodded "I get ya, are you interested in track classic or track tech?" he asked as Tracer looked dumb founded. "She's new to this school" Genji whispered to lucio. Lucio nodded "Track classic has no powers and no tech, While track tech is free reign!" he said, "well you know, except for hurting people." he added. Tracer thought about it, after all she needs to work on her blinks anyway. "Tech" she said. Lucio nodded "Here come on down" he said motioning her for her to follow, She did, taking a sip of her drink and handing to genji with a look of nastiness.and went with him to the gym floor. "Yeah, do you mind showing us what you can do?" Lucio asked. Tracer nodded and took her place at the starting line he indicated. Tracer did a mental countdown before dashing a few steps before she heard "Wait!" from lucio. She stopped turning around "With your tech!" he said, tracer heard a few of the gymnastic girls snickering, lucio heard because he shot them a mean look "My bad Tracer I should have clear" Tracer went back to her spot taking position again. Tracer heard her accelerator hum as she started to prepare to blink, and as soon as she took her first step, she shot through time leaving only a small blue streak behind her. She went to the other side of the gym and back in a solid second. As she exited her blink she looked at lucio, his jaw almost on the floor. And Genji was wide eyed. Lucio looked up at Genji ''Where did you find her!" he shouted, Genji shrugged "I didn't know she could do that!" he shouted back. Lucio skated to her handing her a piece of paper, "This is where practice is, be there today meet the coach. We need you on the team!" he said in excitement. The group of guys that was behind lucio were cheering "Tracer, Tracer, Tracer" They were cheering in unison. Genji chanting from the bleachers. Tracer agreed and headed back to Genji. "Man you are quite the surprise" Genji remarked while taking a sip of the drink Tracer gave him. "Well what did you expect?" She said eating her chips. "I don't know, it's bad to assume" Genji said. "What are you gonna join?" Tracer asked. Genji sat on it for a little bit. "I might audition for the theater" he said, Tracer smiled "Emily is in theater!" Genji looked at her "Let me guess your girlfriend?" he said Tracer looked surprised "How did you know?" she said Genji laughed, "The flag pin on your back pack" Tracer was slightly disappointed at how easy it was. They finished up lunch and headed to class.

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