Cade looked at me then Blake got the go ahead to tell us what was going on. "Adam got released on bail. I've got security going to the house and the girls dorm now. I called Hunter but she didn't answer. I left a message telling her to stay inside and keep the door locked."

"We need to track Adam down. Ma won't be happy he got released. No one is to tell her." Blake was adamant about that. "I want Ma to focus on getting better and getting home. She doesn't need to get worked up over my idiot brother."

"Aiden, get the boys back to school. Check on your cousins and Riley, make sure they're all safe." Matt directed me.

For the first time I feel like I'm being treated like an adult in the family. Us kids have been sheltered whenever shits happened. They kept us safe, away from the press and we were told everything was fine. I appreciate that we were allowed to just be kids and weren't involved with the drama and media attention. Now is different, now I'm an adult and this is my dad causing the problems.

"We need to find Adam fast before he decides to leave town. He's screwed enough with this family. It's time he answers for it." Blake is furious with Dad.

He stood back for years while Dad cheated and ignored me and mom. Blake, Em and Grandma have done everything they could to help us but now that Grandma has given Blake her power of attorney, I think Blake is going to do what he wanted to do years ago but Grandma held him off. I can't say I'd do anything to stop him either.

"Drop off the guy's and get straight over to the girls, Aiden. I know Hunter, she's going to be set on saying a few things to Adam. Just keep her in line until we find him." Blake and I both know Hunter will chase down Dad to let him have it.

"Stick together. We don't know what your dad might try to do." Cade warns me.

A cold trickle of sweat slips down my spine. What if he goes after Riley again? What if he decides that she messed up his plan and has to pay? I've never known my dad to be violent but then I never thought he would try to arrange my wedding to someone I don't love. Things have changed.

"We're going to find Adam. Matt, tell Grace and Chelsea to stick with Grandma here. Emma has the boys with her in the waiting room with Chloe. Better let Beckett know to stick around with them. Tell Beck I'll kick his ass if anything happens to my family. I'm trusting him to keep them safe." Blake gives us our assignments and we scatter. Everyone with a job to do and a promise to let the others know if they find Dad.

It's going to be a long day.


Hunter thought it was best for us to go home last night. Georgia was resting fine and there was nothing we could do for her. Once her doctors set the surgery date she's going to need all of them. They'll be there too. That's the kind of family they are.

I haven't talked to Aiden much since we visited Georgia. It seems he's got a lot on his plate to deal with and Georgia gave him more to think about. I hope he doesn't feel pressured with her nudging. She means well and wants him to be happy. I can't blame her for that.

It's giving me a chance to think too

Chloe gave me the impression she's siding with Adam. There's something about the way she was looking at me at the hospital that made me feel like she didn't approve. I know Adam doesn't. Just one more thing to think about.

Aiden was distant, distracted when we left. He's got a weight on his shoulders that he's carrying around because of his father. Georgia only added to it with her pressuring him about our relationship. Another layer for me to think about.

Hunter made some sense last night. Aiden and his father have been at odds for a while now. Long before we got involved from what I understand. Hunter thinks Adam is jealous of Blake's relationship with Aiden. She said Aiden has more respect for Blake, looks up to him more than he ever has his father. That would cause some discord between them.

TouchDown- book one The Bradford Series Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu